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Очередное заседание научного семинара лаборатории ЛАТАС

Мероприятие завершено

Заседание пройдет в рамках межкампусного семинара по компьютерным наукам. Тема: On some discrete optimization problems. Докладчик: Михаил Бацын (НИУ ВШЭ Нижний Новгород).

In this talk we present an overview of the research our team makes in LATNA laboratory (Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis). We start with classical combinatorial optimization problems including Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP), Maximum Clique Problem (MCP), Maximum Independent Set Problem (MISP), Minimum Vertex Cover Problem (MVCP). A number of state-of-art exact algorithms for these problems belong to Pablo San Segundo (2011-2017) and his coauthors including our team. One of the main ideas providing the high performance of these algorithms is the smart application of CPU bitwise operations. We present this approach for the VCP and MCP problems. The applications of the considered classical problems include radio frequency allocation, CPU register allocation, scheduling, graph clustering, 3D molecular structures matching.
We also study biclustering problems and their applications in manufacturing and biology. One of such problems is the so-called Cell Formation Problem with a fractional objective function. Its goal is to find an optimal grouping of machines and parts processed on them into manufacturing cells. Another well-known problem is connected with the analysis of gene expression data.

Язык семинара: English
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