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Business and Intercultural Communication in the Field of Information Technology

Business and international communication for IT specialists.


Course description:

The aim of the course is to teach effective communication across cultures by means of ESP. The course focuses on successful business communication in accordance with the cultural identity of different countries and in regard with its business protocol. The course covers the issues of powerful communicator’s personality, non verbal communication, including extra linguistic criteria and provides effective tips for arranging business communication forms such as conversations, small talk, negotiations, meetings, public speeches, presentations and guidelines for various types of business communication: request of information, business inquiries, claims, orders, etc. Students lean to analyze authentic material (periodicals such as The Economist, The Financial Times etcand online sources) and discuss relevant topics in IT fields.



1.     Communication

2.     Body language

3.     Building relationships in a multicultural team

4.     Business ethics

5.     Cultures

6.     Negotiations across cultures

7.     Profiling cultural competence

8.     Information

9.     Technology

10. E-commerce


1.Adrian Pilbeam. Market Leader Working Across Cultures. Pearson Longman, 2010

2. Johnson, Chr., Barrall, I. Intelligent Business Upper-Intermediate: Skills Book. Pearson Education, 2006

3.Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. Market Leader: Intermediate: Coursebook and CD-ROM / D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. - 3rd ed. - Edinburgh: Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2006.


Instructors: M.S. Lyashenko, M.M. Korenkova, T.A. Bachanskaja, J.V. Balakina, N.H. Frolova

Credit points:3

Faculty: Mathematics and Computer Science

Language: English

Level: Bachelor

Academic hours: 72

Prerequisites:English level B2

Examination Type

Visual presentation (2 hours)

Oral exam (8 hours)



Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Кто читает:
Кафедра иностранных языков (Нижний Новгород) (НИУ ВШЭ в Нижнем Новгороде)
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
3-й курс, 1-4 модуль


Кругликова Татьяна Вячеславовна

Люляева Наталья Александровна