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Deputy Dean Elena V. Shadrina
Manager Alina Labanina
Manager Maria Emelyanova
Alina Kovaleva
Manager Alina Kovaleva
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Manager Natalya Mulihova
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RISC-V RVV efficiency for ANN algorithms

Соколов А. П., Rumyantsev K., Yakovlev P. et al.

Working papers by Cornell University. Series cond-mat.soft "arxiv.org" (. 2024.

Book chapter
Robustness of Graphical Lasso Optimization Algorithm for Learning a Graphical Model

Valeriy Kalyagin, Ilya Kostylev.

In bk.: Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research. 23rd International Conference, MOTOR 2024, Omsk, Russia, June 30–July 6, 2024, Proceedings. LNCS, volume 14766. Springer, 2024. P. 337-348.

Tag "applied mathematics" – News

HSE Student Analyses Social Network to Find Runaway Brother

It is a fairly common story for families – a runaway teenager leaves a note saying ‘I’m not coming back, and don’t try looking for me’ and turns off their cell phone. In a recent case, however, a sister was able to find her brother by using the knowledge she acquired as a student in HSE’s Applied Mathematics and Information Science programme. Her story shows what social networks can say about its users to someone who knows how to listen.