Tag "THE ranking"

THE Names HSE One of the Top 75 Young Universities
HSE University has placed 66th in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2022, which assess universities younger than 50 years old. The THE Young University Ranking is the first in a series of global rankings to be published in 2022.

HSE University Places Among the World’s Top 25 Universities in ТНЕ Emerging Economies Ranking
HSE University has ranked among the top 25 universities worldwide in the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies ranking and is one of Russia’ three best universities.

HSE University’s New Gains in Global Rankings: THE WUR Completes the 2019 Global Rankings Spree
THE WUR, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, has compiled its 2019 global rankings. HSE University performed positively, moving up to the 251-300 cohort, and taking third place among Russian universities following MSU and MIPT.

HSE Ranks 7th in THE Ranking of Leading Research Universities in Eurasia
HSE has ranked 7th amongst universities in Eurasia. The ranking has been compiled for the first time by Times Higher Education and is presented by Kazan Federal University.