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2 Kostina Ulitsa, Room 201
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Dean Maria E. Loshkareva

+7 9159319609

Tereshina Natalia
Head of Curriculum Support for Undergraduate Programmes in Jurisprudence Tereshina Natalia
Deputy Dean Sergei Murzakov



The work of the Faculty of Law is aimed at training highly qualified bachelors in all areas of legal activity, who have a base of theoretical knowledge and applied skills, who are able not only to show leadership qualities, but also to work in a team, professionally solving complex problems, including in an international environment. The study of the legal regulation of economic relations takes the central place. Students participate in different projects, research and expert work in the field of Russian, foreign and international law.

Students of bachelor's and master's degree programs have the opportunity to make up an individual curriculum, supplementing the basic courses with elective courses from the general faculty and university-wide pool of disciplines.

The faculty implements following educational programs:




Jurisprudence (part-time)



Legal Support and Protection of Business



Postgraduate school of law


Additional education

Tender Specialist

Effective anti-corruption policy of the organization

Business tax security. Self-defense course