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Обычная версия сайта
Основы таможенного дела

Логинова А. С., Горбунова М. Л., Лушина Л. А. и др.

СПб.: ООО "Издательский центр "Интермедия", 2024.

Глава в книге
Права на средства индивидуализации

Пчелкин А. В.

В кн.: Гражданское право : учебник : в 2 томах. Том 2. Т. 2. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2023. Гл. 29. С. 506-530.

Russian Trademark Law in Global Perspective

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 3 модуль

Course Syllabus


Дисциплина "Российское законодательство о товарных знаках" формирует знания в области законодательства о товарных знаках. В рамках дисциплины студенты изучают следующие темы: Тема 1. Trademarks and Other Means of Individualization; Тема 2. Acquiring trademark rights; Тема 3. Trademark Infringement; Тема 4. Termination of Trademark Rights; Тема 5. Commercial Exploitation of Trademarks; Тема 6. Enforcement of Trademark Rights; Тема 7. Final assignment
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Целью освоения данной дисциплины является формирование устойчивых знаний в области российского законодательства о товарных знаках.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Способность анализировать, оценивать полноту информации, при необходимости восполнять и синтезировать недостающую информацию
  • Способность оформлять результаты профессиональной юридической деятельности
  • способность искать, анализировать и обрабатывать юридически значимую информацию посредством использования формально-юридического, сравнительно-правового и иных специальных методов познания
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Тема 1. Trademarks and Other Means of Individualization
    This lecture provides a general overview of different means of individualization (identifiers) under the Russian law, such as trade names, firm names, designations of places of origin and trademarks. Each of them has its own unique function, special regulation, conditions of protection, scope of protection, remedies available to their right holders, as well as advantages and disadvantages.
  • Тема 2. Acquiring trademark rights
    This lecture explains process of acquiring trademark. We will see what signs can be registered as trademarks, explain different legal grounds when registration of a trademark can be denied. We will also discuss in detail absolute and relative grounds for refusal to register trademarks, in particular concept of distinctiveness, acquiring trademarks rights through use, immoral trademarks, interrelation of trademarks and prior rights of third parties and others. Specific rules and procedures for acquiring protection of well-known and foreign trademarks will be described as well.
  • Тема 3. Trademark Infringement
    During this lecture we will discuss conditions under which actions of third parties using similar sign are regarded as infringement of trademark rights according to the Russian Civil Code. Russian courts developed their own approach to consider trademark infringement disputes called sometimes as "triangle rule". Case studies and examples explaining the logic of the Russian case-law will be provided. Besides, there are some instances when defendants may be allowed to use another’s trademark without permission and without payment of any royalties. The lecture covers such legal defenses as well.
  • Тема 4. Termination of Trademark Rights
    Trademark rights are not timeless or absolute; they may be terminated, revoked or invalidated if necessary legal grounds are present. What are these grounds? This lecture answers this question and provides for relevant illustrations when trademark rights may be removed from the Register of trademarks on voluntary or involuntary basis. Among them are expiration of trademark rights, waiver of rights, change of trademark owner’s legal status, opposition of third parties regarding breach of absolute or relative grounds for refusal to register trademarks, bad faith registration and unfair competition, non-use of trademarks and loss of distinctiveness.
  • Тема 5. Commercial Exploitation of Trademarks
    Trademark owner has many options to exploit its trademark. Among them are self-exploitation, assignment, license contracts, franchising, distributorships agreements and many others. Russian law contains several imperative requirements that parties to such transactions must comply with. They concern form of a contract, registration of transfer of rights, financial provisions and some others. Failure to take them into account may lead to invalidity of a contract or ineffectiveness of transfer of rights.
  • Тема 6. Enforcement of Trademark Rights
    Enforcement plays huge role in effective protection of trademark rights. Under Russian law trademark owners may resort to different remedies and procedures to protect their rights against violation, including civil, administrative and criminal ones. We will briefly describe Russian enforcement and court system and turn to discussion of specific provisions of Civil Code, Code of Administrative Offences, Customs Code of the Eurasian Union and Criminal Code that relate to enforcement of trademark rights.
  • Тема 7. Final assignment
    This module consists of final assignment, which will help to estimate your gained knowledge about Russian trademark law. We hope you have enjoyed the course and will continue your development in sphere of trademark rights.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Онлайн-тест
  • non-blocking Итоговый онлайн-тест
    Итоговый контроль в 2019/2020 учебном году состоялся в 3 модуле
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (3 module)
    0.7 * Итоговый онлайн-тест + 0.3 * Онлайн-тест


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Новоселова Л.А., Рузакова О.А., Гринь Е.С., Ворожевич А.С., Голофаев В.В. - Товарные знаки. Проблемы применения ответственности за нарушения прав. Монография - Проспект - 2019 - ISBN: 978-5-392-29685-9 - Текст электронный // ЭБС Проспект - URL: http://ebs.prospekt.org/book/42236
  • Под ред. Чучи С.Ю. - Обзор судебной практики. Авторское право. Смежные права. Товарные знаки. Выпуск 1 - Проспект - 2014 - ISBN: 978-5-392-12145-8 - Текст электронный // ЭБС Проспект - URL: http://ebs.prospekt.org/book/25250

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Гульбин Ю.Т. - Исключительные права на средства индивидуализации товаров - товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания, наименования мест происхождения товаров: Гражданскоправовой аспект - Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательство «СТАТУТ» - 2007 - 284с. - ISBN: 978­5­8354­0409­4 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЛАНЬ - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/book/61852