The international youth summer school on methods and algorithms of operations reseach
3-6 May, 2011 at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Nizhni Novgorod the international scientific summer school «Methods and algorithms of operations research» will take place.
Main objective of the summer school is the improvement of professional skills and attraction to participate in scientific projects on operations research of students and young scientists from HSE NN, and also from other universities.
The form of the school: short compact courses of leading scientists of Europe and the USA on actual problems of the theory and practice in operations research. Besides, participation of the Russian expert - moderator at each compact course will allow to organize live scientific discussion. It will be innovative moment in school work and will allow to create real atmosphere of scientific search for participants of the school.
In the frame of the summer school different lectures, master classes and seminars of well
known international specialists in the field of operations research and it’s applications
will take place.