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30-31 мая в НИУ ВШЭ – Нижний Новгород пройдут Дни Инженерии Организации

Мероприятие завершено

К мероприятию приурочен визит д-ра Д. Баржиса (Технологический университет Дельфта, Голландия)

30-31 мая на факультете  бизнес-информатики и прикладной математики НИУ ВШЭ – Нижний Новгород пройдут Дни Инженерии Организации.

К ним приурочен визит в Нижегородскую Вышку д-ра Д. Баржиса (Технологический университет Дельфта, Голландия) при поддержке Международной научно-учебной лаборатории процессно-ориентированных информационных систем (МЛПОИС) НИУ ВШЭ, г. Москва

Dr. Joseph Barjis

Joseph Barjis is an Associate at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). He received his PhD from Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics, followed by 4 years of post-Doctoral research at Delft University of Technology. Dr. Barjis main research topics include information systems design, enterprise engineering, business process modeling and simulation, healthcare modeling and simulation, systems engineering. In addition to his academic and scientific activities, he is founder of the Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Modeling and Simulation – SIGMAS (www.AIS-SIGMAS.org); founder of the International Workshop on Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and Simulation (www.EOMAS.org); member of program committee and editorial board in several international conferences and journals. The offspring of his research works resulted in 13 edited conference books, 14 book chapters, over 22 journal articles and editorials, guest editor of 9 special issues, and dozens of peer refereed conference papers. He has been an invited speaker to a number of national and international forums, general chair of numerous international workshops.

Предварительное расписание (возможны изменения)

30 мая 2013. 9:00-12:30 

Лекция «Современные подходы к инженерии организаций в области здравоохранения». Тема 1: «Принципы разработки информационных процессно-ориентированных систем для здравоохранения».

Адрес: Н. Новгород, ул. Б. Печерская, НИУ ВШЭ в Н.Новгороде, ауд. 315.

Title: Modern approaches towards enterprise engineering in the field of healthcare

Subtitle: Principles of Process-Oriented Healthcare Information Systems

Abstract: Modern information systems, including healthcare information systems, represent software intensive systems. These systems are designed to support business processes in enterprises of different types, including healthcare organizations. As such, two fields intersect for designing successful process-oriented information systems. One field is business process modeling and the other field is software engineering. In this presentation, I will discuss the close relationship of these two fields as well and the different perspectives of business processes that are vital for adequate process-oriented information systems design.

30 мая 2013. 14:30-17:00

Семинар «Мета-моделирование DEMO-транзакций»

Адрес: Н. Новгород, ул. Б. Печерская, НИУ ВШЭ в Н.Новгороде, ауд. 315.

Title: DEMO Transaction Metamodel

Abstract: For model transformation, model-driven system design, and interoperability of models, metamodel plays an important role. DEMO Methodology has been increasingly adapted by organizations and consulting companies, including ICT organizations, which raises a need for DEMO metamodel. In this presentation, I will discuss how to derive a metamodel of DEMO Transaction based on different models of DEMO.

31 мая 2013. 10:30-12:00

Лекция «Современные подходы к инженерии организаций в области здравоохранения». Тема 2: «Разработка и анализ имитационных моделей бизнес-процессов здравоохранения».

Адрес: Н. Новгород, ул. Б. Печерская, НИУ ВШЭ в Н.Новгороде, ауд. 315.

Title: Modern approaches towards enterprise engineering in the field of healthcare

Subtitle: Analysis and Design of Healthcare Simulation Models

Abstract: Today’s global healthcare expenditure stepped into the over 5-trillion-dollar economic sector with most of the industrialized countries spending well over 10% of their GDP on healthcare. The issue of healthcare efficiency is becoming a buzzword in discussion with both healthcare managers and decision makers.  Simulation is playing increasingly an important role in the analysis and improvement of healthcare organizations.  In this presentation, I will discuss the potentials, challenges and some examples of healthcare simulation.

31 мая 2013. 12:30-13:30

Круглый стол «Перспективные методы формального анализа бизнес-моделей, построенных по методологии DEMO».

Адрес: Н. Новгород, ул. Б. Печерская, НИУ ВШЭ в Н.Новгороде, ауд. 315.

Round Table: Perspectives of Methods for Formal Analysis of Business Models Developed Using DEMO Methodology.

Abstract: In this discussion, I will contribute with my input about what is a formal method, formal theory, and formal modeling language. To this end, I will also contribute with my discussion of to what extent DEMO Methodology is formal in relation to its underlying theory, methods, and modeling languages.




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