About Nizhny Novgorod
The City
Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 by Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich of Vladimir as a major stronghold border protection of Russian principalities against invasions of militant tribes and an eastern point for development of trade. The city is located at the confluence of two great rivers, the Volga and the Oka, 400 km east of Moscow. The express train form Moscow takes about 4 hours.
Nizhny Novgorod (colloquially shortened as “Nizhny”) is an ancient Russian village grown into one of the biggest and best-developed cities of the country. Nizhny has always played an important role in the political and commercial life of the East-European Plain Russia. As an industrial hub of major importance and a leading economic centre Nizhny Novgorod enjoys dynamic social and cultural life, with its lively downtown in the heart of a metropolitan region of over 1 million people. It is also a major port.
There are more than six hundred unique historic, architectural, and cultural monuments in the city. UNESCO has included Nizhny Novgorod in the list of 100 cities of the world which are of great historical and cultural value.
The city is home to 8 theaters, 5 concert halls, 8 museums, 97 libraries, 27 hotels and 15 parks
Besides its historical heritage and industrial advancements Nizhny represents an excellent place for education and research boasting a peaceful provincial environment. Unlike Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Nizhny is a big city with a small-town feel.
The city has a humid continental climate with cold snowy winters and moderate hot summers.
Where to Go
Museums of Nizhny Novgorod
The Museum of Fine Arts of Nizhny Novgorod has one of the richest Russian paintings collections in Russia. It totals more than 12,000 items. The base of the collection contains Russian paintings, sculptures, decorative and folkloric arts. The Russian art collection reflects the history of national art from icon painting to modern art (Kremlin, building 3, tel 439-13-73, daily from 11 a.m. till 6p.m. THU 12a.m. -8p.m. TUE- day off).
Showroom “Pokrovka, 8” shows the life of lower-middle class and petty merchantry. It also holds the exhibitions of decorative and applied arts (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st.,8, tel 433-23-79, daily 10a.m.-5p.m. MON-day off).
The Museum of Architecture and Culture of the Peoples of Nizhny Novgorod Regionis an ethnographic open-air museum boasts outstanding exhibits of wooden architecture of the XVIII – XIX centuries. It is a populare place for folklore celebrations (Gorbatovskaya st., 41 Schchelokovsky Khutor, tel 422-40-56).
The Museum of History of Artistic Trades exhibits all the arts and crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod region of the XVII – XX centuries (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st.43, tel 433-34-27).
Literary Museum was opened in 1928 on the 60th anniversary of Maxim Gorky in the former mansion of merchant Burmistrova, where the rich interior and external decoration is still preserved (Minin st., 26, tel 436-15-29, daily from 9a.m. -5 p.m. MON,TUE – day off).
Museum of Gorky’s Childhood “Kashirin’s House” is the only museum in Russia which is based on an autobiographic book, the novel by Gorky “My Childhood”. The museum was opened in 1938. This house, built in the XVIII century belonged to the writer’s grandfather, chairman of a dyeing workhouse V.V.Kashirin (Pochtoviy sjezd 21, tel 433-85-89, daily 9a.m. -5p.m.WED – day off. Attention: only by advance agreement.)
State Center of Modern Art. The Nizhny Novgorod Branch (ARSENAL)is located in the 19th centure building of the former manege. This small museum provides a space for a different exhibit every few months dedicated to different movements or artists. The gallery's directors put an emphasis on engaging the public with its art, so don't feel you already have to know it all before you go - you'll learn something when you get there (Kremlin, building 6, tel.430-05-09).
State Russian Museum of Photography is the first museum of photography in Russia. It is located in the house where the famous Russian photographers Andrey Karelin and Maksim Dmitriyev lived and worked. The museum exposition shows the history of photography from the moment of its creation. Every year the museum organizes the region, all-Russian and international festivals involving photographers from all over the Russia and many other countries (Piskunova st. 9a, tel 437-37-43, daily 10a.m. – 5p.m.).
Nizhny Novgorod Memorial Museum of A.Sakharov is the only memorial museum of A.Sakharov in the world. It is a unique example of democratization of Russian society and raising legal consciousness in our country. The museum is created in the apartment where the great scientist, citizen, and public figure A.Sakharov lived in exile from 1980 to 1987 (Gagarina ave. 214, ap.3, tel 466-86-23, daily 10a.m. – 5p.m, FRI-day off).
Historical Museum of “GAZ” is a kind of an educational center that concentrates experience and knowledge of numerous generations of automakers. The Museum occupies two floors and the total exposition area comes to 1800 square meters. You will find the exposition that tells the story of the Gorky Automobile Plant. It describes the factory's foundation and formation, technical and design solutions, development and launch into production of new automobiles (Lenina st. 95;tel 290-86-98, daily MON to FRI 08:00-11:30;12:30-16:00).
Yurkovka Gallary is the world's only private gallery of paintings created in a unique technique of «floristic mosaic». A. Jurkov uses only glue, pieces of leaves of various trees and plants. But the artist’s technique is so filigree that no one believes in it (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya,9, tel. 439-07-38; daily 11a.m.-4p.m.).
Museum of Tramway and Trolleybus History (Ivlieva st.,1, tel 468-98-88,TUE,WED,THU 8a.m. – 4:30p.m.).
Where Else to Go
The State Academic Gorky Drama Theater is one of the oldest Russian theaters dating back to the private theater of Prince Shakhovskoy (1798). The new building for the theater was opened in 1896. The opening ceremony was timed to All-Russian Exhibition of Industry and Arts and marked by F. Shalyapin’s performance (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st. 13, tel. 218-73-83, www.drama.nnov.ru).
Academic Pushkin Opera House was oped in 1935 in reconstructed building of the former People’s House, famous for F.Shalyapin’s concerts. Now all basic musical genres are presented in the repertoire of the theater. (Belinskiy st. 59, tel 218-50-56, www.operann.ru).
“Comedia” Theater’s building combines old and modern features.In the repertoire of the theater – classical comedies and plays by modern playwrights (Grusinskaya st. 23, tel 434-04-24, www.comedia.nnov.ru).
Nizhny Novgorod ropeway is the world's only ropeway, which has 800-meter unsupported flight over water. The ropeway connects two cities: Nizhny Novgorod and Bor, and 2 banks of the Volga River. Amazing views from the bird's flight will provide an unforgettable experience and stunning photos (Kazanskaya Naberezhnaya 8a).
Nizhny Novgorod State Philarmony named after M.Rostropovich for 70 years of its existence has been widely practicing consert-performing and educational activities. It became the home for the first Russian festival “Modern music” which later developed into the worldwide acknowledged Arts Festival named after A.D. Sakharov (Kremlin, building 2, tel 439-11-87, www.music-nn.ru).
Concert Hall of Glinka State Conservatoire offers conserts practically every day, where teachers and students participate together (Piskunova st. 40, tel 419-43-45, www.nnovcons.ru ).
The Kremlin Wall (from May to November daily 12a.m.-8p.m.; tel 422-10-81)
Circus of Nizhny Novgorod (Kommunisticheskaya st, 38, 413-28-28, www.circus.r52.ru).
Planetarium of Nizhny Novgorod is the first digital planetarium in Russia. The space simulator of the spaceship “Soyuz TMA” and the Global Space Station coupling is installed in the planetarium. Informative lectures on astronomy and programmes of space exploration are given here. Sometimes classical concerts take place here (Revolutsionnaya st, 20, 272-50-94, www.planetarium-nn. ru).
Zoo LIMPOPO (Yaroshenko st., 7 B, tel.271-67-37, www.nnzoo.ru)
Nearest Cinemas:
- “Cinema Park” shopping and entertainment center “Fantastika” (Rodionova st.187)
- “Cinema Park” shopping and entertainment center “Sedmoe Nebo” (Betankura st.1)
- “Imperiya Gryoz” “Oktyabr” (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st, 51A)
Park Shveitzariais a spacious park (380ha) stretching along the steep slope of the Oka river for about 4 km. The park got its name for the picturesque hilly landscape. It has a rich variety of wood species: oaks, limes, maples, pines, birches and elms – some of them are more than 100 years old. It is a popular recreation area with cafes and amusements. (Gagarina Ave,35)
Shchelokovsky Khutor is the largest woodland park on the territory of the city with natural landscape and vegetation, it looks very picturesque with its holts and lakes. On the territory of this park there is a recreation area with sport facilities and the museum of ethnography and wooden architecture, which is often used as a film setting for historical films.
If You Want to...
rent a bike
- RE АКТИВ www.re-bike.ru/pages/rent/ Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st.,4 tel 423-73-71
- Velostation DINAMO: Bolshaya Pokrovskaya ul.,53 tel 416-19-10.
have a short Volga cruise (1,5-3 hours)
buy souvenirs
“Khudozhestvennye Promysly” is the biggest gift shop in Nizhny Novgorod. (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st., 43 10a.m. – 8p.m.)
National Research University - Higher School of Economics is the largest higher education and research institution of social sciences in Eastern Europe.
The Nizhny Novgorod branch was founded in 1992 on the initiative of renowned Russian economists and reformers. In August 2008 the HSE became one of the three Russian Universities operating under the auspices of the Government of Russian Federation. In October 2009 the HSE was rewarded the status of National Research University.
The HSE mission is to promote economic and social reforms in Russia through the education of a new generation of researchers and practitioners, the production and dissemination of modern economic knowledge to the Russian business and government communities. The HSE aims to also foster new ideas for economic and social reform and the formation of new corporate strategies.
Favoring transparency and international recognition of studies the HSE is the first Russian university to fully adopt the bachelor-master structure and use European Credit Transfer System.
The HSE curricula are designed to offer 4-year Bachelor programmes, 2-year Master programmes and a three-year doctoral-level research programme.
Recognizing the advantages of Master of Art universities, the HSE is promoting the design and implementation of MA courses in line with the global trend of development of research institutes.
Quality scientific research is crucial for excellence in academic programs. HSE - Nizhny Novgorod is highly-rated for its achievements in a variety of research areas spanning ERP systems architecture, decision systems, mathematical modelling in economics, logistics and supply chain management, innovation management, communication studies.
Presently HSE - Nizhny Novgorod research infrastructure feature: Center for Computational Analysis and Economic Modelling, Laboratory for Decision Systems Research, Educational Laboratory for Management in Innovation Fundamental research goes along with applied and policy-oriented R&D projects implemented for regional government, domestic and international private companies.
HSE commitment to world-class education ensures students' access to research facilities and consistent academic advice. Encouraging intellectual inquiry and original research HSE Scientific Foundation funds academic mobility, supports professor & students research teams, provides scholarships for best students and researchers. FACILITIES аt present the Nizhny Novgorod campus is located in 4 buildings throughout the city with the main hall in downtown Nizhny. HSE – Nizhny Novgorod boasts a large modern library, Publishing House and a wide range of electronic resources. HSE – Nizhny Novgorod uses a new dormitory conveniently placed next to one of the studying halls.

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