Buddy for an International Student
Buddy is an HSE student who volunteers to help international students adapt to life in Nizhny Novgorod and feel more confident in the new cultural and social environment. Buddy is ready to meet you on arrival in Nizhny Novgorod and, if possible, help you throughout your stay at the HSE.
What can you ask Buddy for: Meet me after arriving in Nizhny Novgorod; See you to the dormitory and help with the paperwork; Provide useful information about university buildings, convenient mobile apps, and emergency numbers; Help you understand documents and forms in Russian; Suggest interesting places and events in the city; Redirect to the responsible person if the issue requires the involvement of the university administration.
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What you can't ask Buddy for: Help at night (from 9 pm to 8 am); Become your round-the-clock assistant (respect his / her personal time!); Provide financial or other material support. |
Request Buddy's help by writing an email to the International Office.
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