End of Mobility
Before you leave for your home university you have to follow several procedures established by HSE University:
Pass your exams to get the Transcript of Records
While having completed your courses, you need to sit an exam to assess your knowledge.
The courses you have taken at HSE University will be validated by your home university after you receive a Transcript of Records from International Office.
Complete your Exit Form
On the eve of your departure, you are required to submit HSE Exit Form to International Office.
While completing the document you will have to:
- pay for the last month of your staying in the dorm (if applicable);
- hand in your pass card to International Office.
You are welcome to submit the Exit Form either by coming to International Office or by sending a filled out and scanned copy of the document to internationalnn@hse.ru.
Please note that International Office cannot issue your Transcript of Records before you have your Exit Form completely signed.
NB! If you leave Nizhny Novgorod before semester ends, you are required to inform International Office at the earliest convenience!
Leave your feedback
Our primary goal at HSE University is to ensure that you enjoyed your semester abroad.
As such, International Office is always happy to hear about your exchange experiences and opinions so we can continue to improve the services we offer our international students.
You can share your views and expectations with us by completing a feedback form (do not forget to upload the most impressive photos!)
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