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Interntional Club meets Ukraine and Korea

This year we continue our Tuesday’s cultural meetings “Kapustnik stran” where the international students present their native countries and share the secrets of their culture and traditions. The 2016 opens with the Ukrainian evening, then the baton passed to our Korean students with their mysterious motherland.

Ukraine. It seems that our cultures are very similar and it is hardly possible to recall a closer country despite the political situation. However, we do not really know Ukraine. Perhaps, it is even more mysterious then the distant Korea, but Julia and Anna’s presentation has managed not only to break the existing stereotypes and organize a brief tour to the Ukranian history, but also to open its hidden treasures.


Did you know that there is a local Venice in Ukraine – it is a town named Vilkovo and in Carpathian reserve you can see the Daffodils Valley? Now you know! The presentation showed us a new beautiful country and and finished with the feast of authentic borsch (a soup made with beetroot and tomatoes) and syrniki (fried quark pancakes) garnished with sour cream!


Next presentation was about Korea. Seongjin and Seo Hyeong came to Hse in Nizhny Novgorod to study Russian and help to organize the International Youth Forum.  South Korea is far away from us, but its influence is heard indeed. Fashion, gadgets, Korean food, music and cinema is well known among people in Russia. But who are they proud of? Why do all Korean students volunteer around the world? What are the links between the Chinese and Korean cultures and languages? Russian-English presentation has stamped a sentiment of emotional and sincere people of Korea and opened a bit their special view of the world and traditionally closed up with cuisine tasting – Korean rolls – kimbap were delicious!