About the Programme
The Data Mining Programme is aimed at providing Russian-speaking students with a deep fundamental knowledge in many areas of contemporary applied mathematics, including data analysis, language-processing tasks, applied computer and corpus linguistics tasks, machine learning, models and algorithms for solving optimization tasks, game theory, network analysis technology, modern probability theory, and mathematical statistics. Graduates of the Programme are provided the necessary knowledge to develop new mathematical models and effective algorithms to solve complex tasks that arise in real life. The disciplines are given in Russian.
Many areas of today’s information age need employees with a knowledge of data analysis and algorithm optimization. In one of fastest developing spheres – information and communications technology – the salary of employees proficient in data analysis and algorithm optimization are several times higher than that of ordinary software developers. With that, large companies like Yandex, Google, Intel, Kaspersky Lab, Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung are most interested in these types of employees, and graduates of the programme will be needed in all developed countries and regions of the world.
Graduates of the Computational Linguistics specialization will be able to apply their knowledge in areas such as communication modeling and analysis, monitoring mass data using contemporary computational tools for linguistics research, and the development and use of intelligent program systems for finding and analyzing text data on the internet.
The programme’s target audience is Russian-speaking students with a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and informatics, mathematics and computer science, business informatics, fundamental and applied linguistics, as well as other areas related to mathematics and computer science. The main criteria by which students are selected for the programme include a high GPA in undergraduate technical disciplines and a good knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematics and computer science. In addition, the programme looks for students who like to solve complex applied problems using contemporary mathematical and algorithmic approaches.