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International Marketing

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
1 year, 4 module

Course Syllabus


The purpose of the course is to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the analysis and development of marketing strategies for the implementation of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise and their effective implementation. Within the framework of the International Marketing section of the discipline, students consider international marketing as a concept, study the methodological foundations of marketing research, get acquainted with the features of the analysis and selection of segments of international markets, learn ways to penetrate foreign markets, forms of organization of international business. As specific examples, during lectures and seminars, strategies for the entry of international brands into the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets and the specifics of the implementation of marketing strategies in Asia are considered.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The objectives of mastering the academic discipline "International Marketing" are the formation of students systemic fundamental knowledge in the field of international marketing and marketing research, the acquisition of practical skills to use the basic principles, concepts and theories of international marketing and marketing research, functions, goals, changes taking place in the environment of interaction of companies in international markets, the specifics of foreign economic relations
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Understand general and differences in conceptual approaches to the essence of export, international and global marketing
  • - Be able to use main features of the study of foreign markets
  • - Learn features of international marketing
  • - Know specifics of the marketing mix of an international company
  • - Master main strategies for entering foreign markets and their advantages
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Topic 1. Basic concepts and definitions of marketing. The main content of the concept of international marketing
  • Topic 2. The Internalization of the Business
  • Topic 3. Phases and levels of application of international marketing
  • Topic 4. Researching International Markets
  • Topic 5. Factors influencing the choice of penetration strategy.
  • Topic 6. International Marketing strategies.
  • Topic 7. Logistics in international marketing.
  • Topic 8. Cultural aspect of the international marketing.
  • Topic 9. Business Customs and Practices in International Marketing.
  • Topic 10. The International Political and Legal Environment.
  • Topic 11. Global Market Regions and Market Groups.
  • Topic 12. Developing Consumer Products for International Markets.
  • Topic 13. Marketing Industrial Products and Business Services.
  • Topic 14. The International Distribution System.
  • Topic 15. Pricing for International Marketing.
  • Topic 16. Communication complex in international marketing.
  • Topic 17. Features of international branding
  • Topic 18. Digital Marketing.
  • Topic 19. International marketing in finance.
  • Topic 20. International Marketing in Tourism and service.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Case studies
  • non-blocking Team Project
  • non-blocking Final Exam
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 4th module
    0.44 * Case studies + 0.4 * Final Exam + 0.16 * Team Project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Международный маркетинг : учебник и практикум для вузов / А. Л. Абаев [и др.] ; под редакцией А. Л. Абаева, В. А. Алексунина. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2021. — 362 с. — (Высшее образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-01169-2. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/468845 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024).

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Onkvisit, S., & Shaw, J. J. (2009). International Marketing : Strategy and Theory (Vol. 5th ed). London: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=275440


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