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International Law In Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Delivered at:
Department of Theory and History of Law and State (Faculty of Law)
Course type:
Elective course
4 year, 2 module


Егорова Алена Сергеевна

Course Syllabus


Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes” provides an insider perspective into the work of international criminal courts and tribunals. You will learn about the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in The Hague. During this course, you will be offered a look into the ‘kitchen’ of the Hague international criminal courts and tribunals. You will learn how international criminal justice functions, who the actors are, what outcomes it produces, and how it can be improved. During all forms of monitoring the assessment is made on ten-grade scale. To pass the test the student must demonstrate his mastering of the conceptual apparatus and the basic legal concepts as well as the basic skills to analyze the international legislation. When writing his essay the student must demonstrate his ability to conduct an independent research and to draw conclusions on the basis of information obtained from sources and scientific literature. A mandatory requirement to all written works shall be language accuracy and the correct use of scientific vocabulary and references. During tests and examinations the student must demonstrate the mastering of at least 70% of the studied material, skills for analyzing historical and legal sources, correct application of legislation, mastering of legal terminology, the ability to think legally.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The training in the International Law in Action is aimed to develop knowledge and skills, sufficient for subsequent digestion of branch disciplines. Student competence generated as a result of the discipline study After the study of the discipline the student should: Be familiar with the concepts and the main characteristics of International law; basic laws of origin, function and development of International Criminal law; conflict settlement and combating crime; development of the basic institutions of international humanitarian, maritime, economic, diplomatic and consular law, the role of international courts and tribunals while investigating and prosecuting international crimes, the challenges international courts and tribunals faces with while holding individuals liable for committing international crimes. Be able to operate with legal concepts and categories; to analyze legislation and legal relationships arising therefrom; to analyze, interpret and apply the law correctly. Have skills for working knowledge with legal acts, analyzing various legal events and relations, which are the objects of professional activity; solution of legal problems and conflicts.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • The student knows which illegal acts entail international criminal responsibility, he is familiar with the grounds for holding individuals liable for committing international crimes.
  • The student examines the role of different actors in the criminal process, argues positions from the perspective of a particular actor. He also relates legal and political challenges of courts to their mandates and working methods
  • The student explains the importance of the involvement of victims in the international criminal process, examines the role of international criminal judges in international procedures. He evaluates an ICC case on child soldiers, to find out what makes international criminal trials so complicated.
  • Student envelopes independent thinking and formulates proposals to enhance policies and practices while analyzing Lubanga case considered by ICC
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • The International Criminal Justice System: Core Concepts and Foundations
    Welcome to the first module of this Course! This week, we will introduce you to some of the foundations and core concepts of the international criminal justice system. We will discuss international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes) and foundations of liability. We will relate the discussion to some of the challenges of the Lubanga case, the International Criminal Court's first ever trial.
  • The International Criminal Justice System: Justice Institutions and Procedures
    In this second week we will examine justice institutions and the different stages of the justice process. We will study how major international criminal cases emerge. We will cover the role of different actors in the process, including prosecutorial strategies and legal and political challenges.
  • Trying Perpetrators
    In this third week, we will focus on the criminal process, including the challenges faced by different actors. We will study how a trial unfolds. We will explore the role and perspective of the Defence and victims. We will then examine the role of the judge in international criminal proceedings. We will finally discuss the role of child soldiers as victims and perpetrators, including the experiences of the ICC in its first cases (Lubanga,Ongwen).
  • Remedying Wrong and Look to the Future
    In this final week, we will explore how wrong can be remedied through trials, and how international criminal justice can be improved. After this week, you should be able to formulate a proposal on how international criminal justice can be enhanced.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Онлайн-тест
  • non-blocking Итоговый экзамен
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.7 * Итоговый экзамен + 0.3 * Онлайн-тест


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Лазутин Л.А., под ред., Суворова В.Я., под ред., Фёдоров И.В., под ред. - Международное право (для бакалавров) - Юстиция - 2021 - 400с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-5041-1 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/936645

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Бекяшев К.А. - Международное публичное право. Учебник - Проспект - 2019 - ISBN: 978-5-392-29680-4 - Текст электронный // ЭБС Проспект - URL: http://ebs.prospekt.org/book/42150
  • Уткин В.А. - Международное право борьбы с преступностью. (Магистратура) - Юстиция - 2021 - 186с. - ISBN: 978-5-4365-5157-9 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/936357