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25/12 Bol. Pecherskaya Ulitsa, Room 308B
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Dean Marina V. Tsvetkova

Phone: (831) 416-98-24
Email: mtsvetkova@hse.ru

‘Extended’ Wordplay in Fictional Narrative Texts: Cross-Disciplinary Perspective

Marina R. Safina, Alisia S. Kosheleva.

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities & Social Sciences. 2025. Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 106-118.

Book chapter
“What’s in a name?” Translation of Terry Pratchett’s novel titles into Russian

Marina Tsvetkova, Aleksandr Kulkov.

In bk.: Traduction et langue-culture. Préface de Jean-René Ladmiral. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2024. P. 257-267.

Working paper
Linguistic Specificity of the Left Temporal Cortex: Intraoperative Brain Mapping Data

Novozhilova E., Gordeyeva E., Stupina E. et al.

Linguistics. WP BRP. НИУ ВШЭ, 2020. No. 94/LNG/2020.

Tag "expertise" – News

‘People Used to Fear and Poke Fun at Total Surveillance, But We Will All Soon Get Used to It’

‘People Used to Fear and Poke Fun at Total Surveillance, But We Will All Soon Get Used to It’
The coronavirus infection has had a significant impact on the whole world. The threat hanging over everyone’s heads has led to the current self-isolation policy, which has restricted people’s ability to move freely about the city. The current circumstances will inevitably change society as we know it. How? This is what NN.DK.RU discussed with Timur Khusyainov, senior lecturer of the Faculty of Social Sciences at HSE Nizhny Novgorod.