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25/12 Bol. Pecherskaya Ulitsa, Room 308B
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Dean Marina V. Tsvetkova

Phone: (831) 416-98-24
Email: mtsvetkova@hse.ru

‘Extended’ Wordplay in Fictional Narrative Texts: Cross-Disciplinary Perspective

Marina R. Safina, Alisia S. Kosheleva.

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Series: Humanities & Social Sciences. 2025. Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 106-118.

Book chapter
“What’s in a name?” Translation of Terry Pratchett’s novel titles into Russian

Marina Tsvetkova, Aleksandr Kulkov.

In bk.: Traduction et langue-culture. Préface de Jean-René Ladmiral. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2024. P. 257-267.

Working paper
Linguistic Specificity of the Left Temporal Cortex: Intraoperative Brain Mapping Data

Novozhilova E., Gordeyeva E., Stupina E. et al.

Linguistics. WP BRP. НИУ ВШЭ, 2020. No. 94/LNG/2020.

Tag "master's programmes " – News

Alessandro Caglio: ‘What International Students Need to Bring with Them is Courage and Curiosity’

Alessandro Caglio: ‘What International Students Need to Bring with Them is Courage and Curiosity’
‘I started learning Russian in Italy; I’ve lived in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but came to Nizhny Novgorod to learn Russian in "real" Russia and become an international journalist’: Alessandro Caglio, first-cohort graduate of the Master’s programme "Literature and Media", speaks about intercultural communications, hypertext novels, and the Russian winter.