Steps for Taking Part in the Student Exchange Programmes
Make sure that you match the criteria for participation in the competition
Who is eligible to apply:
- students studying on a state-funded and paid places;
- undergraduate and graduate students;
- students with good academic performance (average current score of at least 6);
- preference is given to students who have not previously participated in exchange programmes;
- English and other foreign languages proficiency (if necessary).
Choose an appropriate mobility programme, corresponding with your educational programme
Study the programme catalogue. If in the programme descrption in the "Fields of study" there are fields that are corresponding with your educational programme, then you can consider this university.
Calculate the budget for the estimated period of your study abroad.
The Numbeo website will help you with this. If you are going to study at an HSE partner university, you do not have to pay tuition fee. But you have to cover all the other expenses, such as visa fee, health insurance, accommodation, meals, travel expenses, etc.
Fill out the application form
You can find the required set of documents here.
Collecting the entire package of documents is a time-consuming process. Plan your time to meet the deadline.
The HSE Call for Applications is held twice a year. In February-March, students apply for the fall semester and one academic year, in August-September - for the spring semester.
Find out about the results
If your application is selected by the HSE – Nizhny Novgorod Competition Committee, you will receive an email about the nomination. The results are announced within two weeks after the end of the application process. A student can be nominated for participation in the mobility programme of only one partner university. The committee's decision is final and cannot be appealed.
Be ready to leave
If your application has been approved, follow these steps and prepare for international mobility.
Prepare the documents
1. Request to participate in an exchange programme
2. Motivation Letter (in English)
— should not surpass 500 words;
— font Times New Roman; size 12; 1.5 line spacing; justify alignment; the margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.
If you are applying to several Universities, you must write a motivation letter for each University.
3. Individual Study Plan (for each University)
To prepare your Individual Study Plan (ISP) you need to:
а. In the course catalogue of a partner university find courses, matching those held on your programme at HSE during your anticipated mobility.
b. Submit the course list to your Study Office and request to prepare an ISP for you.
c. The academic supervisor of your program also must approve the ISP.
4. Language proficiency (English-required, others-optional)
There are several ways to prove your proficiency.
If there are no other requirements from the host University, you can provide one of the following documents:
- Official Language Certificate (TOEFL/IELTS)
- HSE Independent English Language Test certificate + write the score for this exam in the application;
- Self-assessment grid for language skills, signed by your HSE foreign language professor (see templates EN_Language);
If you are a master student and you had not studied during your bachelor's degree at the HSE, please contact the International Office and ask how to prove your language proficiency. We will make arrangement with one of professors of the Applied Linguistics and Foreign Languages Department . The professor will test you and fill out the European Language Passport. European Language Passport can be filled out and signed by a language professor from other university.
For programmes with the Erasmus + scholarship, in addition to the required set of documents, you must attach:
1. Erasmus+ Application
2. Copy of your passport
3. CV (maximum 2 pages) Please use the information:
How do I send a request?
It is necessary to send the set of documents in one PDF file with the subject of the letter "International Mobility" to the e-mail of the International Office In the file name, you must specify your last name.
If you have submitted an application for mobility under universitywide agreements to the HSE Student International Mobility Office and would also like to apply for mobility under an HSE-Nizhny Novgorod agreement , when sending your application, you must write in the text of the letter "Also submitted to the University... (HSE Call for Applications - Moscow).
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