Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the Higher School of Economics - Nizhny Novgorod was a speaker at the International Congress on Information and Communication Technologies in London
From 18th to 21st February, the 10th International Congress on Information and Communication Technologies ICICT 2025 was held in London. Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Academic Director of the Master's Program "Business Informatics" Pavel Valerievich Malyzhenkov took part in the conference with the report "The Sustainable Business Models Architectural Design in the Frame of Industry 4.0".
Pavel Malyzhenkov
Research topics implemented within the framework of business informatics are often presented at conferences of such a high level. The specifics of the functioning of enterprises in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution, which has already firmly entered our lives as Industry 4.0, are the subject of the most extensive research. The topic of the report was at the intersection of key modern trends in company engineering: the architectural approach, the concept of sustainable development and Industry 4.0 technologies. Enterprise architecture is a modern methodology for seeing an enterprise, allowing for the integration of business, organizational, information and technological aspects of its activities. Sustainable development is a current paradigm of business tasks, the achievement of which is impossible without an appropriate technological base. Such a comprehensive vision of the enterprise and its system analysis are the basis for training and masters of "Business Informatics". This congress became a platform for discussing not only research but also educational initiatives. The specialists from Serbia, India, Vietnam and other countries who took part in the congress recognized the great potential of cooperation with Russian universities.
Nilanjan Dey, congress co-organizer, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno International New Town, India
I got acquaintance with Pavel Malyzhenkov last year in Bangkok on the ISBM 2024 conference. This time we deepened our contacts and discussed possible directions of cooperation on both research and educational fields, especially in the possible joint academic programs. I think, this cooperation has good perspectives.