♦Please, pay attention that the schedule of the Conference is given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+0) format. Although GMT and UTC share the same current time in practice, GMT is a time zone and UTC is a time standard. Moscow time corresponds to UTC+3, i.e. if you wish to transform the schedule into Moscow time, you have to add 3 hours to all the times given in the schedule in UTC+0 format.
♦ Taking into account that there are participants from all over the world and that there are parallel sessions, all the talks (except those talks for which authors asked not to do it) will be recorded and published at the YouTube channel of the Conference.
♦ During the conference we plan several activities that are complementary to the official talks:
1. Collecting a list of open problems in operator (semi)groups theory
2. “Digital coffee breaks”. We strongly encourage all participants of the Conference to takepart at “Digital coffee breaks”. Just take care about your coffee, switch on your camera andmicrophone, and start communication! We kindly ask the lecturers and other seniorparticipants to take part in the coffee breaks so that young researchers could have moreopportunities to communicate with you.
3. “Digital conference dinner”. We strongly encourage all participants of the Conference to take part at our “digital conference dinner” after closing of the Conference. There will be several open rooms and all are welcome to circulate between them. In one of the rooms, there will be a self-made music and songs atmosphere, so if you play guitar or other instrument then you are welcome to play and sing with other players and singers in informal manner with a glass of what you prefer to drink at such events. Please, take care about your food and drinks yourself.
4. “Conference photo”: We plan to make a joint photo of all participants via Zoom. We will arrange several photo-sessions during coffee breaks on Thursday and Friday. Just be there and switch on your camera!
5. “Networking and informal discussions” after each day in Room A. You are welcome to tell us about your University and research group, open positions and share other information. Also in one of the days there will be a brief online virtual sightseeing of Nizhny Novgorod - the host city of the conference.
6. Maybe something else that you suggest - we are open to your ideas! Send us your suggestions via