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Hausdorff Dimension of Typical Very Low Frequency Chorus Emissions and Verification of Their Mechanism of Excitation

P.A. Bespalov, O.N. Savina, G. M. Neshchetkin.

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2024. Vol. 88. No. 3. P. 353-358.

Глава в книге
Emulating the Raman Physics in the Spatial Domain with the Help of the Zakharov’s Systems

Gromov E., Malomed B.

In bk.: Generalized Models and Non-classical Approaches in Complex Materials 2. Advanced Structured Materials. Springer, 2018. Ch. 6. P. 119-144.

Solitons in an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation with third-order dispersion and pseudo-Raman effect

Aseeva N., Blyakhman L. G., Gromov E. et al.

Physics:Nonlinear Physics, Pattern and Solitons "arxiv.org". Working papers by Cornell University. Cornell University, 2016. No. 1602.08572.

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