
The conference "Quantization of Dissipative Chaos: Ideas and Means"
Since 16 to 20 of December 2019 senior researcher A.O. Kazakov, N.V. Stankevich and D. Turaev, scientific director of the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics participated in the international conference "Quantization of Dissipative Chaos: Ideas and Means", organized by the physical center of the city of Bad Honnef with the support of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.

7th Bremen Summer School Symposium 'Dynamical Systems - Pure and Applied'
The staff of the Laboratory of Topological Methods in the Dynamics Alexey Kazakov and Evgeniya Samylina, as well as students of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics took part in the 7th Bremen Summer School Symposium «Dynamical systems - pure and applied» (Bremen, Germany) in August 5-9.

Pavel Berloff's Lecture "Linear Control in Geostrophic Turbulence: Multiple Alternating Jets and Mesoscale Eddies"
will be held on April 5 at 15.30 at the address: ul. Bolshaya Pecherskaya 12/25, room 402.

Conference "Dynamics in Syberia"
Staff of the Fundamental Mathematics Department and Laboratory of Topology Methods in Dynamics took part in the conference «Dynamics in Siberia»