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International Conference

One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2022



International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications
cordially invites researchers and students to take part in the One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO 2022) Conference held by HSE University. The conference is devoted to study of one-parameter families of mappings and measures, interplay between linear dynamical systems in infinite-dimensional spaces and nonlinear dynamical systems in finite-dimensional spaces, quantum evolution, mathematical physics and related topics.


Conference welcomes both communications on new research results as well as expository/overview talks.

The conference will cover the following topics:
1. One-parameter groups and semigroups of linear operators;
2. Nonlinear flows and semiflows;
3. Interplay between linear infinite-dimensional systems and nonlinear finite-dimensional systems;
4. Quantum and stochastic evolutions, dynamical semigroups; 
5. Further applications of semigroups in mathematical physics;
6. Infinite-dimensional analysis; there will be a special event dedicated to the memory of Oleg Smolyanov (08 February1938 ─ 16 December 2021), Honored Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, who made valuable contribution to the field and left behind a large scientific school  
7. Related topics. 

Track for invited talks : upload the title of the talk and the name of inviting member of the Program Committee on the registration stage, the talk is automatically accepted, in two weeks before the conference starts upload the text of abstract, give a talk when scheduled.
Track for the speakers of OPSO2021: If you participated in OPSO 2021 conference with an invited or contributed talk then you can write “OPSO 2021” as a name of inviting member of the Program Committee and your talk will be automatically accepted.
Track for contributed talks: upload the title and the text of abstract on the registration stage, wait until it is confirmed by a member of the Program Committee, after successful decision the talk is accepted, give a talk when scheduled.

We cordially invite you, your colleagues and students to take part in the One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO 2022) Conference. If you have any questions please contact us via email opso-conf@yandex.ru

Sample2022 (TEX, 6 Кб) 

Sample2022 (PDF, 148 Кб) 


14-18_February_2022_OPSO_Conference_First_Announcement_Letter (PDF, 86 Кб) 

14-18_February_2022_OPSO_Conference_Second_Announcement_Letter (PDF, 89 Кб) 

Here is some information on the mathematical background of Nizhniy Novgorod:
Math in NN (short version) (PDF, 938 Кб) 

Math in NN (extended version with animation) (PPT, 12.81 Мб) 

Conference photo 14 February 2022

Conference photo 17 February 2022


Conference photo 18 February 2022