International Conference-School Dynamics, Bifurcations and Chaos 2018 (DBC V)
From July 16 till 20 an international school-conference took place in Nyzhny Novgorod. You can find a detailed program of the event via the link:
The Laboratory staff gave several talks on the following topics:
Yu. Bakhanova “On the appearance of Shilnikov attractors in one chemical model”
A. Kazakov "Wild-hyperbolic spiral attractor in four-dimensional Lorenz system"
E. Nozdrinova “On existence of a smooth arc without bifurcations joining source-sink diffeomorphisms on 2-sphere”
O. Pochinka “On obstructions to the existence of a simple arc connecting the multidimensional Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms”
I. Remizov "Formula for solution of multidimensional diffusion-type equation"
E. Samylina “Chaotic dynamics and multistability in the nonholonomic model of Celtic stone”
Yuliya Bakhanova
Laboratory Assistant
Alexey Kazakov
Leading Research Fellow
Elena Nozdrinova
Research Assistant
Olga Pochinka
Ivan Remizov
Senior Research Fellow
Evgeniya Samylina
Laboratory Assistant