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Обычная версия сайта
Основы таможенного дела

Логинова А. С., Горбунова М. Л., Лушина Л. А. и др.

СПб.: ООО "Издательский центр "Интермедия", 2024.

Глава в книге
Права на средства индивидуализации

Пчелкин А. В.

В кн.: Гражданское право : учебник : в 2 томах. Том 2. Т. 2. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2023. Гл. 29. С. 506-530.

Law of Contracts and Contractual Work

The “Law of Contracts and Contractual Work” course covers the law of contract and different aspects of contractual work. It is anelective course for the Master students of the 2st year of study.

Minimum requirements for the participants of this course are: good level of English and  general knowledge of Civil law. 

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of contract law. It combines the main theoretical foundations (basis) of contact law and contractual work,real experience and professional skills development. Subjects covered include: the concept of contract, types of contracts, formation of contract, performance of contract termination of contract etc.

The aimof the course is to provide the students with a thorough understanding of contract  law, make them able tofind proper solutions to different situations arising in the sphere of contracts.

The main objectives on the course are:

-       knowledgeof contract law,

-       abilitiesto draw up contracts, to check contracts, find solutions to different situations arising in the area of  contracts, to apply national and international rules to contract disputes;

-       skillsto evaluate analytical and scientific materials on the given issues, to analyze and critically evaluate ideas and arguments from multiple points of view, to use specific terms and sources of contract law.

Methodological novelty of the discipline “Law of Contracts and Contractual Work”:

-       the course is based on the comparative legal analysis method (it covers the contract law in a comparative context, focusing not only on Russia, but also on the international practice);

-       the language of teaching is English;

-       use of innovative educational technologies problem-focused lectures, case-study method, working in groups, preparing small research works, presenting verbal reports, making PowerPoint presentations.

II. Place of the course “Law of Contracts and Contractual Work” in the system of innovative qualifications

Participation in the “Law of Contracts and Contractual Work” course allows students to gain innovative professional qualifications, related to formation of abilities and skills which will help them to solve tasks in application of law, legal consulting, law-enforcement and research in the area ofcontractual work.

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке

Специализация: Корпоративное право

Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
