Speech at a seminar on nonlinear dynamics at Yaroslavl State University
About speechs at seminars
On October 14, 2021, Marina Barinova, a postgraduate student at the Higher School of Economics and a research fellow at the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications, presented the results of her Ph.D. thesis at the seminar of the scientific-educational center "Nonlinear Dynamics" in Yaroslavl. The dissertation on the topic “Construction of energy functions for 2- and 3-diffeomorphisms with chaotic dynamics” was accepted for consideration by the HSE dissertation council in Mathematics at a meeting on October 1, 2021. Marina visited YarSU with her scientific advisor - Pochinka Olga.
In the photo Barinova Marina and Glyzin Sergey - Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor of the Department of Nonlinear Dynamics, Head of the Department of Computer Networks at YarSU, co-leader of the seminar "Nonlinear Dynamics". Sergey is a member of the Dissertation Committee responsible for the defense of dissertations prepared by Marina, so he invited Marina to have a speech at his seminar.