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Distribution Functions of the initiated KdV-like solitonic gas

Pelinovsky E., Гурбатов С. Н.

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2025. Vol. 192.

Book chapter
On the way to coastal community resilience under tsunami threat

Klyachko M., Zaytsev A., Talipova T. et al.

In bk.: Handbook for Management of Threats: Security and defense, resilience and optimal strategies. Bk. 205. Springer, 2023. Ch. 8. P. 159-192.

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Сongratulations to Ivan Remizov on his birthday

Сongratulations to Ivan Remizov on his birthday
December 7, 2019 is the birthday of Ivan Dmitrievich Remizov – a bright young mathematician, associate professor at the Department of Fundamental Mathematics, and senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics at Higher School of Economics; he turns thirty-five years old. According to the definition used when awarding Fields Medals, the mathematician is young until 40, so Ivan wil remain young for another five years.