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Existence of Attractors of Foliations, Pseudogroups and Groups of Transformations

Dedaev R., Zhukova N.

Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. 2025. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 1-18.

Book chapter
On the way to coastal community resilience under tsunami threat

Klyachko M., Zaytsev A., Talipova T. et al.

In bk.: Handbook for Management of Threats: Security and defense, resilience and optimal strategies. Bk. 205. Springer, 2023. Ch. 8. P. 159-192.

Tag "Master's programme in Mathematics" – News

Peace, Labour and Math!

Peace, Labour and Math!
Organised by the the Department of Fundamental Mathematics and the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics, the first international student conference, Mathematical Spring 2019, took place at the Higher School of Economics campus in Nizhny Novgorod over the May holidays.

The Work Continues

The Work Continues
The Academic Head of the Master's Programme 'Mathematics' and the Head of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics visited colleagues from the University of Passau.