Dubrovnik IX - Topology & Dynamical Systems
The staff of the International Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics and the Department of Fundamental Mathematics Olga Pochinka, Elena Yakovlevna Gurevich and Vladislav Evgenievich Kruglov took part in the International Conference «Dubrovnik IX - Topology and Dynamical Systems» on June 24-28
In the section devoted to the dynamic systems O. Pochinka delivered the report «On the solution of the 33-rd Palis-Pugh problem for the gradient-like two-dimensional sphere» about the existence of an arc with no more than a countable number of bifurcations connecting gradient-like diffeomorphisms on the 2-dimensional sphere.
E.Y. Gurevich and V.E. Kruglov presented poster talks: «On the classification of Morse-Smale cascades on the n-dimensional sphere using the graph and «On moduli for gradient flows of the surface height» about gradient flows classification of the surface height function in terms of topological conjugacy by means of a graph.
The abstracts of the talks can be found here.