Course Overview
The courses within the main track create a systematized vision of the past and current economic transformation with a focus on current strategy. The main goal of these courses is to allow the students to understand Russian Economy: how it is organized and how operates, how the state and private companies function, how economical and business sectors are correlated. The most pressing economic issues of Russian Economy will be analyzed. The track provides students with a comprehensive framework for understanding Russian business and with practical strategies for doing business more effectively with Russian counterparts. The course gives a better understanding of the challenges of doing business in Russia.
Within the framework of this track visits to companies with meetings with top managers are organized.
The Track includes Five Blocks (8-12 academic hours)
1. Strategy for Economic Growth in Russia
Monetary Policy
Course will provide general information about Central bank monetary policy strategy and commercial banking sphere in Russia. The course aims at discussing recent trends and changes in monetary and banking sphere. Special attention will be given to monetary policy objectives and instruments, we will consider steps of implementing inflation targeting in Russia. The course also aims to give students an overview of functioning of the commercial banking sector under liquidity crisis.
Fiscal Policy
We will speak about fiscal policy measures Russian Government is going to undertake to reach long-term economic growth. We will also discuss the Stabilisation Fund role in assuring economic stability. Changes in taxation policy will also be considered.
2. Financial Market Development
The characteristics and the special features of the Russian financial market will be discussed in classes. Furthermore, instruments, the trade organizing and main market participants will be considered. Special attention will be paid to the assessment and management of risks in the Russian context. These include liquidity risk, credit and market risks.
3. Russian market transformation
Marketing Strategies of Russian Companies
We will focus on the main characteristics of Russian market and its impact on consumer behavior. The course aim is to examine how Russian companies were affected by economic crisis, to discuss marketing strategies Russian companies use in order to perform in such turbulent conditions.
To examine how companies are affected by economic crises, to assess the effects of marketing strategies on company performance in such conditions, and to identify those that can help companies to maintain successful performance despite turbulence in the operational environment.
4. Russian Attitudes and Values
This course is focused on intercultural communication issues with a special stress on Russian attitudes and values. This course will help the students who intend to build a Russia connected carrier to establish successful relationships with Russian colleagues, clients and suppliers.