Академическое письмо на английском языке
Academic Writing
Course description:
The aim of the course is to teach academic writing and presentation skills. The course includes essentials of critical reading of academic literature and composing an annotated bibliography; academic vocabulary and academic style conventions; essentials of the APA formatting style; structure and language of an academic presentation. The final output is creating a research proposal for the bachelor thesis.
Instructors: E.V. Terenteva, T.A. Bakhanskaya
Credit points:2
Faculty: Mathematics and Computer Science
Language: English
Level: Bachelor
Academic hours: 54
1. Critical reading of an academic text
2. Compiling a working bibliography. APA conventions
3. Plagiarism and strategies of avoiding it
4. Working with sources: summarizing, quoting, paraphrasing
5. Composing a literature review
6. Describing methods
7. Describing the plan of work and presenting data. Describing expected results
8. Writing the Introduction and the Abstract
9. Editing for correctness
10. Presenting the proposal
1. McCormack, J., & Slaght, J. (2009). English for Academic Study: Extended Writing and Research Skills. Garnet Education
2. Kuzmenkova, J. (2009). Academic project presentations.Москва: МАКСПресс
3. Fulwiler, T., & Hayakawa, A. (2000). The Blair Handbook. Prentice-Hall Inc.
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Плякина Елена Анатольевна
Терентьева Елена Валентиновна