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The 'Aerobatics' competition in Nizhniy Novgorod campus

On February 4, 2020, the works of the first ever Nizhniy Novgorod HSE competition "Aerobatics" were defended.

The pioneers of the project were young mathematicians who prepared for defense both basic scientific research and applied design work.

Each participant managed to unleash the deep scientific potential of their topic and prove that schoolchildren also have the strength to conduct good research.

The "highlight" of many performances was the extensive applied part: computer programs independently written by the guys, experiments performed, models built and practical tasks solved.

The selection of winners was not an easy task. For the jury there were important everithyng: the depth of the mathematical apparatus used in the study, understanding and fluency in the material submitted for defense, and, of course, the presentation itself, the spark that burned in the eyes of speakers proud of the work.

Based on the results of the defense, the expert commission awarded the participants with diplomas of the first, second and third degree. The winners of the Nizhny Novgorod stage of the competition were Maria Mlodik (9th grade, Lyceum No 40) with the work “Untie the Gordeev knot”, adviser O. Pochinka, and Nikita Skulkin (11th grade, school 15) with the work “Modeling the growth of fractal crystals”, adviser E. Islentieva. The guys are invited to the final stage of the competition "Aerobatics" in Moscow.

And we wish them good luck and invite all students of grades 9-11 who are not indifferent to mathematics, to close cooperation with professors of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics and the Laboratory of Dynamic Systems and Applications to create joint work and conquer the heights.