The talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzuki
At the laboratory of topological methods in dynamics, on October 17, the talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzucchi were successfully held.
The talks by the Italian professors Mazzuchi and Moretti were successful, among the students there were many students of the English-language master's program "Mathematics". In addition to the scientific content of the reports, Italians talked about the University of Trento (Italy) - it turns out that for many years it has been at the top of the ranking of Italian universities of medium size (more than once being the first), and it also occupies 37th position in the ranking of universities in the world younger than 50 years old. Further plans for cooperation include a visit by Ivan Remizov to Italy, which will take place presumably in the first half of 2020.