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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

45.04.03 Fundamental and Applied Linguistics

Approved by
Приказ от 15.08.2014 №6.18.1-01/1508-11
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
Протокол АС от 23.08.2024
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

2 года

Full-time, 120 з.е.

Language of instruction


Instruction in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning

With online tools


2024/2025 Academic year

Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics

Type: General
Track Supervisor: Merkulova, Edita N.
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
KOR-1 Able to set and justify a research task related to the processing of the linguistic component in an interdisciplinary information and analytical project
KOR-2 Able to select a methodological toolkit in the field of automatic processing and analysis of text data corresponding to the task
KOR-3Able to search for and collect linguistic material on the research topic and apply qualitative and quantitative methods relevant to the task for its processing, analysis and systematization
KOR-4 Able to work with text corpora and automatic text analysis programs
KOR-5 Able to critically evaluate and interpret obtained research results
KOR-6 Able to present research results in compliance with the rules of academic writing in the required format
Description of the professional field:
As a result of mastering the EP, the HSE graduate develops universal, general professional (defined in the sections of the OS in the areas of training) and professional competencies.
PK-1 Able to plan research activities, conduct independent research and obtain new scientific results in the field of professional activity
PK-2 Able to conduct theoretical and practical classes in the disciplines of the subject field, create methodological manuals and prepare educational and methodological and scientific materials, incl. interdisciplinary nature
PK-3 Able to conduct an in-depth analysis of problems, formulation and justification of project tasks related to linguistic issues, modeling and development of language components in interdisciplinary projects
PK-4 Able to independently develop a methodology and tools for the implementation of research and project activities in the field of fundamental and applied linguistics
PK-5 Able to develop and manage projects (subprojects), analyze risks
PK-6 Able to plan and implement projects in the field of intercultural communication, including those aimed at studying language as an object of culture
PK-7 Able to analyze the quality of language data, corpora, systems used for automatic processing of natural language
PK-8 Able to provide analytical support for the development and adoption of decisions in areas related to language policy, monitoring of text data, preservation of linguistic heritage
PK-9 Able to develop the structure and content of the educational process in the field of linguistics, create educational materials and applied programs for language training in the system of general and secondary vocational education, additional education
PK-10 Capable of carrying out written translation of various types of texts (including works of art) and accompanying them with the necessary editorial commentary
PK-11 Capable of providing qualified translation support for international events of various types (including scientific) using modern information technologies and software
PK-12 Capable of editing scientific and popular science literature on linguistics and related fields, including translations from Russian into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Russian
PK-13 Capable of carrying out linguistic processing of texts for production and practical purposes
PK-14 Capable of developing and improving electronic language resources, linguistic components of information systems, linguistic modules of computer-based learning systems
PK-15 Capable of carrying out qualified analysis of various types of oral and written discourse for production and practical purposes
PK-16 Capable of developing methods and algorithms for digitalizing humanitarian heritage, including special language markups corpora
PK-17 Able to develop a concept, prepare, conduct and organize a scientific event, including an international one
PK-18 Able to define and convey common goals in professional and social activities
PK-19 Able to generate fundamentally new ideas and products, has creativity, initiative
PK-20 Able to create, describe and responsibly control the implementation of technological requirements and standards in professional activities

Professional competencies are specific to graduates of this educational program. Professional competencies are determined on the basis of professional standards corresponding to the professional activities of graduates, as well as on the basis of an analysis of labor market requirements, generalization of foreign experience, consultations with leading employers, associations of employers in the industry in which graduates are in demand.
The totality of all universal, general professional and professional competencies developed in a graduate ensures his ability to carry out professional activities in at least one area or sphere of professional activity, or to solve problems of professional activity of at least one type established in the OS.
Description of educational modules:
The curriculum of the Master's program "Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics" is designed in such a way that its core contains tracks and courses that are an integral part of the curricula in the field of "applied linguistics" throughout the world, which simplifies international academic mobility.
At the same time, the program also has a unique component, which is provided by the combination of two content blocks:
a block of fundamental linguistic disciplines (including corpus technologies and the basis for their use to solve practical problems)a block of applied disciplines during which students form and develop competencies in text analysis using digital technologiesWithin the framework of the NIS, when discussing projects, the main attention is paid to automatic methods that allow solving research problems (collection of literature and network analysis of a scientific field, the specifics of setting a problem and choosing corpus technologies, methods of mathematical statistics, data mining in interdisciplinary research).
The Project and Research Seminar “Digital Projects and Methods for Solving Applied Linguistic Problems in Business” discusses the stages and scenarios for creating digital projects; the tasks of applied linguistics in solving problems that companies face; the role of text analysis in the digital transformation of business, and others.

2023/2024 Academic year

Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics

Type: General
Track Supervisor: Merkulova, Edita N.
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Key learning outcomes:
Able to select a methodological toolkit in the field of automatic processing and analysis of text data corresponding to the task
KOR-3Able to search for and collect linguistic material on the research topic and apply qualitative and quantitative methods relevant to the task for its processing, analysis and systematization
KOR-4 Able to work with text corpora and automatic text analysis programs
KOR-5 Able to critically evaluate and interpret obtained research results
KOR-6 Able to present research results in compliance with the rules of academic writing in the required format
Description of the professional field:
As a result of mastering the EP, the HSE graduate develops universal, general professional (defined in the sections of the OS in the areas of training) and professional competencies.
PK-1 Able to plan research activities, conduct independent research and obtain new scientific results in the field of professional activity
PK-2 Able to conduct theoretical and practical classes in the disciplines of the subject field, create methodological manuals and prepare educational and methodological and scientific materials, incl. interdisciplinary nature
PK-3 Able to conduct an in-depth analysis of problems, formulation and justification of project tasks related to linguistic issues, modeling and development of language components in interdisciplinary projects
PK-4 Able to independently develop a methodology and tools for the implementation of research and project activities in the field of fundamental and applied linguistics
PK-5 Able to develop and manage projects (subprojects), analyze risks
PK-6 Able to plan and implement projects in the field of intercultural communication, including those aimed at studying language as an object of culture
PK-7 Able to analyze the quality of language data, corpora, systems used for automatic processing of natural language
PK-8 Able to provide analytical support for the development and adoption of decisions in areas related to language policy, monitoring of text data, preservation of linguistic heritage
PK-9 Able to develop the structure and content of the educational process in the field of linguistics, create educational materials and applied programs for language training in the system of general and secondary vocational education, additional education
PK-10 Capable of carrying out written translation of various types of texts (including works of art) and accompanying them with the necessary editorial commentary
PK-11 Capable of providing qualified translation support for international events of various types (including scientific) using modern information technologies and software
PK-12 Capable of editing scientific and popular science literature on linguistics and related fields, including translations from Russian into a foreign language and from a foreign language into Russian
PK-13 Capable of carrying out linguistic processing of texts for production and practical purposes
PK-14 Capable of developing and improving electronic language resources, linguistic components of information systems, linguistic modules of computer-based learning systems
PK-15 Capable of carrying out qualified analysis of various types of oral and written discourse for production and practical purposes
PK-16 Capable of developing methods and algorithms for digitalizing humanitarian heritage, including special language markups corpora
PK-17 Able to develop a concept, prepare, conduct and organize a scientific event, including an international one
Description of educational modules:
The curriculum of the Master's program "Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics" is designed in such a way that its core contains tracks and courses that are an integral part of the curricula in the field of "applied linguistics" throughout the world, which simplifies international academic mobility.
At the same time, the program also has a unique component, which is provided by the combination of two content blocks:
a block of fundamental linguistic disciplines (including corpus technologies and the basis for their use to solve practical problems)a block of applied disciplines during which students form and develop competencies in text analysis using digital technologiesWithin the framework of the NIS, when discussing projects, the main attention is paid to automatic methods that allow solving research problems (collection of literature and network analysis of a scientific field, the specifics of setting a problem and choosing corpus technologies, methods of mathematical statistics, data mining in interdisciplinary research).
The Project and Research Seminar “Digital Projects and Methods for Solving Applied Linguistic Problems in Business” discusses the stages and scenarios for creating digital projects; the tasks of applied linguistics in solving problems that companies face; the role of text analysis in the digital transformation of business, and others.
Competitive Advantages

Существующие в регионе лингвистические программы дают достаточно хорошее фундаментальное лингвистическое образование, но остаются избыточно теоретическими и мало учитывают новейшие достижения в гуманитарных науках, игнорируя такое остро востребованное современным рынком труда качество, как междисциплинарность. Поэтому лингвист, пришедший из другого вуза, получит на программе принципиально новое и современное представление о своей специальности и ее возможностях. Владение достаточно широким репертуаром количественных методов (статистика, компьютерная и корпусная лингвистика, языки программирования и т.п.), а также прохождение практик в различных отраслях (органы власти, цифровая реклама, СМИ, аналитика цифровых данных, учебные центры банков, государственные учреждения, музеи, и пр.), существенно расширит возможности трудоустройства наших выпускников. Они получат возможность познакомиться со сферами, в которых может быть востребован современный лингвист и выбрать одну из них для дальнейшего профессионального развития.

Англоязычность программы Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics  призвана повысить конкурентоспособность выпускников, которые могут получить рабочие места в международных компаниях, где требуется продвинутый уровень владения иностранным языком, поскольку они имеют возможность  поддерживать и совершенствовать собственный уровень владения английским языком в условиях академического и профессионального общения. Помимо этого, чтение дисциплин на английском языке позволит существенно расширить географию приема абитуриентов за счет иностранцев, которые не владеют русским языком в должной мере, но хотели бы получить качественное образование в России.

Выпускник программы «Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics» будет обладать компетенциями по работе с текстовыми данными, позволяющими анализировать тексты и массивы текстов с применением методов ряда компьютерной и корпусной лингвистики, юридической лингвистики, дискурс анализа и психолингвистики.

Освоение технологического инструментария будет поддерживаться фундаментальными знаниями о принципах и закономерностях гуманитарной научной мысли, о теоретических подходах к формализации гуманитарного знания и когнитивных процессах человеческого познания и структурирования информации с помощью языка.

Выпускники программы будут обладать такими востребованными на современном рынке труда умениями, как:

  • порождать и анализировать тексты;
  • организовывать и проводить исследования с целью разработки и создания инновационных электронных языковых ресурсов (корпусов текстов, словарей, лексических, терминологических баз данных);
  • осуществлять мониторинг массивов информации, разрабатывать краткосрочные и долгосрочные прогнозы в различных предметных областях с использованием современных компьютерных инструментов лингвистического исследования;
  • сопоставлять различные типы дискурсов, проводить компаративный анализ информации из разных предметных областей;
  • разрабатывать экспертные оценки и делать краткосрочные и среднесрочные прогнозы в области языковой политики и языкового планирования;
  • разрабатывать новые материалы, электронные словари, тезаурусы и базы данных, в том числе и для преподавания русского языка как иностранного;
  • составлять техническое задание для команды разработчиков программного обеспечения по сбору и анализу данных.
  • готовить качественные аналитические документы.
Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics'

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