
HSE University Enters Top 100 of THE Rankings in Two Subjects
HSE University has entered the top 100 universities in the Times Higher Education Rankings for Law and Social Sciences. For the first time, the university is also among the top 150 in the Education ranking and the top 200 in Business & Economics.

HSE University Consistently Ranks Among Top 3 Russian Universities
HSE University has been named a leading Russian university in the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings for the fourth year in a row. HSE ranked third among Russian universities and appeared in the 301–350 bracket worldwide.

HSE University Advances 200 Places in ARWU
HSE University has demonstrated explosive growth in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) (Shanghai Ranking), improving its standing by as many as 200 places. The university climbed to the 601-700 group of ARWU and advanced from 7-8th to the 4-5th among Russian universities.

HSE University Ranks among Top-5 Russian Universities on CWTS Leiden Ranking
HSE University has placed fourth among Russian academic institutions on the Leiden Ranking, which evaluates the performance of universities based on bibliographic data on their scientific publications.

HSE University Launches New Master’s Programmes on Coursera
HSE Master’s programmes in four new specializations are now available on Coursera in the fields of business analysis, finance, and computer science. Each specialization consists of a series of courses and a practice-oriented final project, says the HSE eLearning Office.

HSE University among Top Ten Universities in New RAEX Subject Rankings
HSE University has been included in the rankings for the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering, which were published for the first time by the RAEX agency.

HSE University Places Among the World’s Top 25 Universities in ТНЕ Emerging Economies Ranking
HSE University has ranked among the top 25 universities worldwide in the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies ranking and is one of Russia’ three best universities.

HSE Among Top 5% of Universities in QS EECA Ranking
HSE University now ranks 16th and places among the top 5% of universities in emerging Europe and Central Asia in the QS EECA University Rankings released by the British ranking agency QS.

HSE University’s New Gains in Global Rankings: THE WUR Completes the 2019 Global Rankings Spree
THE WUR, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, has compiled its 2019 global rankings. HSE University performed positively, moving up to the 251-300 cohort, and taking third place among Russian universities following MSU and MIPT.

HSE Ranks 7th in THE Ranking of Leading Research Universities in Eurasia
HSE has ranked 7th amongst universities in Eurasia. The ranking has been compiled for the first time by Times Higher Education and is presented by Kazan Federal University.