HSE University’s New Gains in Global Rankings: THE WUR Completes the 2019 Global Rankings Spree
THE WUR, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, has compiled its 2019 global rankings. HSE University performed positively, moving up to the 251-300 cohort, and taking third place among Russian universities following MSU and MIPT.
HSE University first joined the published part of the ranking three years ago and has improved its standing since, moving up to a higher cohort with every passing year.
Over the last two years, Russian universities have improved their placing in this ranking: this year, 39 Russian universities appeared on the top list (last year, there were 35 of them).
HSE University has improved its results in 11 out of the 13 ranking indicators:
As with last year, the biggest contribution came from the average-weighted rescaled citation indicator. Since 2009, HSE University has consistently provided comprehensive support for researchers, while also increasing the number of publications in highly-cited journals.
Furthermore, the reputation indicators, based on a survey among world’s most cited scholars (according to Elsevier & THE) on research and education quality, have been expanded.
The total number of publications per researcher has grown over the last five years, and this year, it doubled compared to last year.
In terms of statistical indicators, ‘doctorates-awarded-to-academic-staff ratio’ and ‘share of international students and faculty’, as well as financial indicators, added to HSE University’s ranking.
THE ranking focuses on academic institutions’ research potential: over 70% of the ranking indicators are focused on such research achievements.
In 2019, the range of the published ranking was expanded from 1,258 to 1,396 universities.