The Faculty of Management was formed in 2001 to train highly qualified professionals and future leaders in various fields of business and management. The first students were enrolled in 1996.
In our work, we are guided by a number of principles:
- Continuous updating of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and the results of research in relevant areas of management;
- Confirmation of the quality of educational programs through independent professional and public accreditation;
- Practice is extremely important in management, so we actively cooperate with partners who allow us to implement the project method of training in our programs;
- Orientation towards international cooperation. We are constantly working to increase the number of foreign partner universities to promote international student mobility and develop joint educational programs;
- Active use of English in research and educational activities;
- Formation of soft-skills necessary for professionals in the field of management and business: critical and creative thinking, communication skills, teamwork skills, leadership potential, emotional intelligence.
The development strategy of the Faculty of Management is in line with the development of the entire University and the Nizhny Novgorod campus:
- Transformation of basic educational programs of bachelor's, master's, and postgraduate education on a project basis. Full transition to project-based learning by 2024.
- Implementation of the "broad bachelor's/master's degree" model from 2020/2021 based on the updating of educational standards, expanding the variability of educational paths of study while maintaining the volume of educational content, individualization of learning paths, including beyond one direction. This redesign is especially relevant for master's programs.
- Creation of network educational programs with Russian and foreign universities, the use of digital technologies (primarily online courses).
- While preserving the forms of face-to-face interaction between undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduate students and teachers, the teaching of all core subjects and a number of elective subjects will be based on the blended learning model.
- The development of postgraduate educational programs is associated with the individualization of postgraduate education trajectories in science, education and corporate sectors. One of the main resources for the development of graduate programs will be the inclusion of all graduate students in research projects of the University with paid employment.
- Development of additional professional education programs (retraining and professional development programs) in the business and social spheres.
- All educational programs implemented at the faculty see as their priority the training and development of globally competitive and socially responsible business leaders for Russia's digital economy. The educational programs provide for the development of modern managerial skills with a focus on entrepreneurship, project-based approach, implementation of digital technologies, systemic internationalization with active participation and joint activities with partner companies.
The faculty currently implements the following full-time educational programs:
Bachelor’s programme "Business Administration"
Bachelor’s programme "Digital Marketing"
Bachelor’s programme "International Bachelor's in Business and Economics"
Master's programme "Business Development"
Master's programme "Marketing"
Master's programme "Educational Administration"
Master's programme "Global Business"
Master's programme "Lean Manufacturing and Quality Management"
Business PartnersPartners of the faculty are the largest enterprises and organizations of the city and region.

International partners
The Faculty strives to become a full-fledged player in the international academic community when faculty and students - our primary resource - see themselves as part of the international academic world.
The Faculty has 22 agreements with international partner universities: Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria); Tilburg University (Netherlands); Southwest University of Political Science and Law (China); University of Bergamo (Italy); Tuscia University (Italy); Franche-Comté University (France); Indian Institute of Management Raipur (India).
The faculty implements a double diploma program in the master's program "Business Management in a Global Environment", is developing a double diploma program in the bachelor's program with the University of Bergamo (Italy). Educational programs attract degree students from CIS countries (Tajikistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova), Mongolia, Iran, etc.
Research activities
All faculty members are actively engaged in research activities and are included in global research networks. The key research areas are: "human resource management and organizational research", "entrepreneurship and innovation", "marketing". The faculty also conducts expert analytical work and implements consulting projects in these areas.
The leading researcher of the Faculty of Management is Professor H. J. Rolfsema of the University of Utrecht. Since 2018, he has led the research group "Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Economies".