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Лекция "Применение наглядных средств в обучении лексики" спикер Джоанна Кэмбел

Уважаемые коллеги, НИУ ВШЭ приглашает вас принять участие в работе научно-методического семинара с международным спикером. Семинар состоится 20 марта 2019 г. c 10.00 до 11.40 по адресу  ул. Большой Печерская, 25/12 , 125 ауд

Speaker: Johanna Campbell

Johanna Campbell is an English language teacher, trainer and curriculum developer with extensive field experience across the US and overseas.

Her expertise includes teaching intensive academic English with top-tier American universities (7 years), language program instruction and administration in US-based colleges in the Middle East (2 years), training, tutoring, writing center coaching, and presenting at myriad professional engagements (14 years).

Topic:  Image Use in Vocabulary Instruction

Using the power of pictographic referencing, this training focuses on proven approaches in vocabulary acquisition. That a picture is worth a thousand words is the tenet of this method. An alternative to rote education, this construct teaches the concepts and practice of making memorable, permanent connections that link new knowledge to prior learning. This engaging process is applicable across student levels. Time permitting, a brief Q&A will conclude the session.