RHSF Project
The laboratory received a Grant from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation 15-32-01052 to conduct research on the topic "Applying robust methods to the analysis of structural characteristics of stock markets" in 2015-2017
Principal Investigator: Professor V. A. Kalyagin
Bautin G. A.
Batsyn M. V.
Voronina M. A.
Golovanova S. V.
Koldanov P. A.
Latyshev A. A.
Lozgacheva N. N.
Pavlova E. S.
Semenov D. P.
Staroverova O. A.
Preprint on the topic "Comparison of stability of procedures for analyzing characteristics of network models of stock markets":
Comparison of stability of procedures for analyzing characteristics of network models of stock markets (PDF, 633 Кб)
General information about the materials provided is contained in the file:
Rgnf_15_32_01052_data (DOCX, 26 Кб)
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