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Oleg Prokopyev

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Finding maximum subgraphs with relatively large vertex connectivity

Abstract. We consider a clique relaxation model based on the concept of relative vertex connectivity. It extends the classical definition of a k-vertex-connected subgraph by requiring that the minimum number of vertices whose removal results in a disconnected (or a trivial) graph is proportional to the size of this subgraph, rather than fixed at k. Consequently, we further generalize the proposed approach to require vertex-connectivity of a subgraph to be some function f of its size. We discuss connections of the proposed models with other clique relaxation ideas from the literature and demonstrate that our generalized framework, referred to as f-vertex-connectivity, encompasses other known vertex-connectivity-based models, such as s-bundle and k-block. We study related computational complexity issues and show that finding maximum subgraphs with relatively large vertex connectivity is NP-hard. An interesting special case that extends the R-robust 2-club model recently introduced in the literature is also considered. In terms of solution techniques, we first develop general linear mixed integer programming (MIP) formulations. Then we describe an effective exact algorithm that iteratively solves a series of simpler MIPs, along with some enhancements, in order to obtain an optimal solution for the original problem. Finally, we perform computational experiments on several classes of random and real-life networks to demonstrate performance of the developed solution approaches and illustrate some properties of the proposed clique relaxation models.


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