Now Seeking Articles for IGI Global's Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition
This new publication will be distributed worldwide among academic and professional institutions and will be instrumental in providing researchers, scholars, students and professionals’ access to the latest knowledge related to information science and technology.
The IGI Global’s editorial launch of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition is announced. This new publication will be distributed worldwide among academic and professional institutions and will be instrumental in providing researchers, scholars, students and professionals’ access to the latest knowledge related to information science and technology.
Should you be interested in this special opportunity, please submit a proposal for an article before August 15, 2012. You will be notified of acceptance no later than October 1, 2012. To submit a proposal for consideration, please either visit the Website or email the Encyclopedia of IS&T Editorial Team at
For more information regarding this publication, please visit the Website of Encyclopedia of IS&T Editorial Team.