
VII All-Russian Student Conference of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - Nizhny Novgorod"SCIENCE AND THE REAL WORLD, WAYS TO REALIZE SCIENTIFIC IDEAS"
The Applied Linguistics and text Analytics Master Program students Nwobi Joy Uchenna, Wan Ariff, Jimoh Nurudeen Oluwaseun, Abdou Wael Sayed Ahmed Mohamed, and Kapralova Galina took part in an All-Russia Students Conference "SCIENCE AND THE REAL WORLD, WAYS OF REALIZING SCIENTIFIC IDEAS".
James’s Five Minutes: What is the difference between everyday English in communicating with classmates and academic English?
The Master's degree program "Applied Linguistics and Text Analysis" is taught in English. However, we often overlook mistakes using it in various communication situations due to the fact that we are not native speakers. Student of our program, James Black, decided to help us with this issue.

A large-scale volunteer camp
A large-scale volunteer camp gathering was held in Nizhny Novgorod from September 30 to October 2. Students of our department studying applied linguistics and text analytics took part in the seminar and shared their experience of volunteering.

Winter wonderland
Встреча одногруппников – вот то мероприятие, которое приходит на помощь повседневности, внося в нее краски, эмоции и радость. А если встречается не одна группа, а две, да еще и интернациональные, то становится еще интереснее.
It is not easy to be a student, and it is even more difficult to be a Master's student
Being a student, surely you are more or less familiar with stress. It can be stress due to finances, academic workload, personal life, balancing between study and work, or maybe because of everything at once. Here are a couple of tips that can help you.
Why did our students from Russia decide to choose the “the Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics” program?
This time we decided to find out more about why our students from Russia decided to choose the “the Applied Linguistics and Text Analytics” program. Many of them not only decided to change their major, but also specifically moved to Nizhny Novgorod to study for their master's degree.
Knowledge Day
Обычно первая встреча одногруппников проходит в официальном формате в стенах университета, но наша группа решила отойти от привычного формата и встретиться 31 августа на пикнике.

Знакомство с историей Нижнего Новгорода
О поездке в архитектурно-этнографический музей «Щелоковский хутор».