HSE Students Defended Theses in Italy
Tatiana Skopina and Veronika Kaverko, Master’s students of the programme in Finance specializing in Audit and Consulting, have successfully defended their theses at the University of Tuscia – Viterbo, Italy. The students’ work was supervised by Fabrizio Rossi, Professor at the Department of Economics at University of Tuscia – Viterbo. Tatiana and Veronika studied the effective use of energy resources and the supply business process. Tatiana Skopina shared her impressions of studying in Italy:
‘Not so long ago we returned from Italy, where we defended our master's theses and received our diplomas. The path to these results was intense, interesting and emotional.
We came to Italy in October of 2015 and spent a year in this truly remarkable and extraordinarily beautiful country. During our stay we studied at an Italian university, passed our exams, learned Italian and found out more about the culture of this country.
Gradually gaining experience and knowledge, we approached the ‘finish line’ of our studies in the joint programme of HSE and the University of Tuscia – Viterbo – our master’s theses defense. The process of thesis preparation was quite similar to the Russian one - a student chooses a topic and develops it with his/her academic supervisor, then the work is submitted to the committee for discussion.
We have successfully defended our theses, graduated from the university and passed the torch to a new generation of HSE students, to whom we wish great success!
During our stay in Italy, representatives from both the Russian and Italian universities coordinated our studies in all issues related to the programme and training. We want to thank them and all joint programme organizers who give students the opportunity to study abroad.
Our stay in Italy and studying in an Italian University has helped us to gain new experience, knowledge and skills that we hope to apply in the future.’
This is the third time HSE students have graduated from the joint Russian-Italian programme in Finance. It is intended for those who want a solid financial education at the Master's level that meets modern international educational standards and the requirements of employers. For more information about the programme please contact Maria Shtefan or Pavel Malyzhenkov.