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Business Strategies for Emerging Markets

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке


Лакшина Валерия Владимировна

Course Syllabus


The students are going to improve their analyzing, decision making, and planning skills as well as the ability to recognize strategic opportunities and threats. The course requires the knowledge of basic economics concepts as the pre-requisite. It is preferable that the students have some practical entrepreneurial or marketing experience, but this is not obligatory. The course has a distinct stress to the practice of strategic management. Although a few fundamental theories are mentioned, the bulk of the ideas are based on simple though efficient applied model that are easy to understand and convenient to use. The multitude of examples and stories from the personal consulting and managerial experience of the author are the hallmark of the course. The author’s original drawings make the key concepts well memorable ad cozy to deal with. Course curators contacts: npakhmutova@hse.ru. https://www.coursera.org/learn/business-strategies