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European Business Law: Understanding the Fundamentals

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке


Course Syllabus


The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This five week course is the first in a series of three that will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law and useful inputs from leading practitioners in the field. During tests and examinations the student must demonstrate the mastering of the studied material, skills for analyzing historical and legal sources, correct application of legislation, mastering of legal terminology, the ability to think legally. The final grade is set on the results of passing the tests in the online course as a percentage of the correct answer options.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The aims of mastering the discipline are: • To obtain introductory knowledge and basic skills in the area of European Business Law; • To form high legal culture and legal consciousness, the desire to learn and grow as a professional.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Has an idea of history and the institutions of the EU, most fundamental EU treaties.
  • Has an idea of legal sources and method of EU law
  • Has an idea of fundamental principles and constitutional foundations of EU Law
  • Has an idea of free movement of services, goods, persons and capital.
  • Has an idea of common European foreign policy
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction to EU law
    Welcome to the first week of Understanding the Fundamentals. This first module will help you to build a solid foundation for the coming lectures on EU law. The module introduces the history and the institutions of the EU, as well as the judicial branch i.e. the Court of Justice of the EU. The module will also go into some detail about the most fundamental EU treaties, namely the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • Sources and Method
    The second module will introduce the legal sources and method of EU law. It will provide you with some skills that are crucial when dealing with EU law, such as navigating the vast databases of official publications, legislation and case law. The module provides an overview of the available online resources and EU legal databases. It provides suggestions on how to search the official journals, including the case law of the ECJ. In addition, the module explains what treaties, regulations and directives actually are, and where to find them online. Keep in mind that the module can be used as reference if you continue your studies of European Business Law.
  • Fundamental Principles
    In the third module, you will learn about the fundamental principles and constitutional foundations of EU Law. The dynamic and interaction of the national law of the Member States and the EU will be covered in some detail. This includes the three categories of competence – exclusive, shared and supporting. The effects of the exercise of competence are discussed, as well as relevant case law. A brief historical background is given to the principle of fundamental rights along with its application in contemporary Europe. Finally, some of the main principles of EU law are discussed, including the principles of proportionality, non-discrimination and legal certainty.
  • The Economic Freedoms
    Module 4 introduces the four freedoms, including free movement of services, goods, persons and capital. These economic freedoms are at the very heart of EU Law and crucial to understanding the law from a business perspective. The module considers the relevant legal provisions and the key case law. It continues to introduce the right to establishment and discusses the harmonization of EU law in the national law of member states. In the end of this module you will be given the chance to do a peer graded assignment and earn an honors certificate. You will find the assignment under "Assessments".
  • The External Dimension
    Module 5 focuses on the common European foreign policy and its institutional setup. This is a complex field where the policies of the individual Member States and the EU overlap and interact. The external dimension is important for anyone conducting international trade or upholding relations with the EU. The division of competence is discussed in the module, followed by a review of the seven main EU institutions and players and their respective role relating to foreign policy. The module gives a thorough overview of the six fields in the external dimension of EU Law: Common commercial policy; EU development policy; Foreign and Security Policy; Security and Defense Policy; Energy Market; Freedom, Security and Justice. Finally, the module gives a brief history of the EEA Agreement, as well as its application.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Онлайн-тест
  • non-blocking Итоговый онлайн-тест
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.7 * Итоговый онлайн-тест + 0.3 * Онлайн-тест


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Иванова Е. В. - ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ПРАВО 3-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для СПО - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 272с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-09638-5 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/predprinimatelskoe-pravo-433319

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Под ред. Ручкиной Г.Ф. - ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ПРАВО. ПРАВОВОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ОТРАСЛЕЙ ФИНАНСОВОГО СЕКТОРА 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для бакалавриата и магистратуры - М.:Издательство Юрайт - 2019 - 259с. - ISBN: 978-5-534-05099-8 - Текст электронный // ЭБС ЮРАЙТ - URL: https://urait.ru/book/predprinimatelskoe-pravo-pravovoe-regulirovanie-otrasley-finansovogo-sektora-434071