The 10th International Conference on Network Analysis
The 10th International Conference on Network Analysis will take place on June, 15-16 2020 in distant format in Zoom.The conference is organized by the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis of the Higher School of Economics and by the Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists and engineers from industry, government, and universities to exchange knowledge and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and practice of network analysis. Topics of the Conference also include algorithms on networks, discrete optimization and applications. Contributions are also sought that address the reliability of complex networks, software, theory, methodology and applications. The conference follows previous conferences 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
The conference is connected with the following important event on the subject:
MoCCA’20 - Moscow Conference on Combinatorics and Applications [ Conference on Graphs, Networks and their Applications ], MIPT, Moscow, May 11 - 15, 2020
Updates due to COVID19 outbreak:
The situation surrounding COVID19 outbreak has evolved rapidly and is endangering the health and safety of everyone, which are for us among the highest priorities. Thus, based on the health situation in Russia and around the world, the NET 2020 conference committee has decided that the most prudent measure is to deliver the conference online to all registered attendees, rather than by a physical meeting. All lectures are invited and will be presented using zoom.
The conference will take place June 15-16 in distant format in Zoom.
The conference talks are organized by invitations.
Registration is open for participants without talks.
Program (PDF, 555 Kb)
Registration and Deadlines: registration without talk up to June, 12
Conference Talks
Fuad Aleskerov, HSE and Institute of Control Sciences RAS, New Centrality Measures in the Networks and their Applications
Roman Belavkin, Middlesex University London, UK, Distance-degree Duality and Phase Transitions in Large Graphs
Evgueny Burashnikov, LATNA HSE, Branch-and-bound and Dynamic Programming Approaches for the Knapsack Problem
Mario Guarracino, University of Cassino and Southern Lazi, Italy, A Short Journey through Whole Graph Embedding Techniques
Gregory Khvatsky, HSE Moscow, Named-Entities Attributes Prediction based on their Position in Semantic Graph: Application for Policy Actors Identification
Pierre Miasnikof, University of Toronto, Canada, Graphs in Metric Space
Nenad Mladenovic, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Less is More Approach in Optimization
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida and LATNA HSE, Inverse Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Oleg Prokopyev, University of Pittsburgh, USA, Fortification Against Cascade Propagation Under Uncertainty
Andrei Raigorodsky, MIPT and Yandex, Modularity in Different Graph Models
Tiago Schieber, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Diffusion Capacity in Multilayer Networks: the Role of the Interlayer Paths
Dmitry Sirotkin, LATNA HSE, NP-hardness of Problems, Connected with an Auto-battler Video-game Genre
Dmitry Semenov, LATNA HSE, Building a Confidence Set of Connected Stocks
Anastasia Sokolova, LATNA HSE, Open-set Face Identification Algorithms with Automatic Detection of Rare Data
My Thai, University of Florida, USA, Fast Maximization of Non-submodular Functions on Integer Lattice
Theodore Trafalis, University of Oklahoma, USA, Latency-Based Evacuation Modeling Using Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Conference chair
Panos M. Pardalos, University of Florida, USA and LATNA, NRU HSE
Program Committee
Fedor Fomin, Bergen University, Norway and St Petersburg department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
Mario Guarracino, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy and HSE
Yury Kochetov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
Valentina Kuskova, NRU HSE, Laboratory of Applied Network Research
Dmitriy Malyshev, NRU HSE
Oleg Prokopyev, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Andrey Raigorodskii, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University, Yandex
Nikolay Zolotykh, Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod
Conference Organizers
Panos M. Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Andrey Raigorodski, MIPT – Yandex, Russia
Valery Kalyagin, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
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