LATNA lab. received a grant from the Russian Science Foundation
The Russian Science Foundation defined the winners of the research projects competition between international scientific groups. Among other 30 projects, the LATNA lab. received a grant for the project "Clustering and Search Techniques in Large Scale Networks"
Project members:
- Project leader - Prof. Panos M. Pardalos (University of Florida, USA)
- Grant application was prepared by Batsyn Mikhail V. (Leading Researcher at the LATNA lab.)
- Kalyagin Valery A. (Head of the LATNA lab.)
- Nikilaev Alexey I. (Probationer at the LATNA lab.)
- Ponomarenko Alexander A. (Junior Researcher at the LATNA lab.)
- Savchenko Andrey V. (Assosiate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, NRU HSE - Nizhny Novgorod)
- foreign participants from France, Italy, the USA, Greece