Recommended online courses
For students admitted in 2022 MAGOLEGO (instruction) is an elective component of the curriculum aimed at customizing students’ learning process.
MAGOLEGO system (sysytem open only the campaign days)
A student can choose any course from the university-wide MAGOLEGO pool considering all restrictions and prerequisites stated in a course abstract and provided that similar course is not present in a student’s curriculum or has not been studied by them before at a more advanced level. For this section a student can also choose any base level course from the university-wide pool of master’s courses if they are not competent enough for mastering courses from elective major module.
MAGOLEGO courses do not have time slots in the schedule, during course selection process student themselves should check whether they will be able to attend these courses at a specific time and place for a module.
Credit volume for MAGOLEGO courses is determined by degree programme curriculum. Optionally, a student can contact their track supervisor to seek help filling in this section of their individual curriculum.