First online Open Doors Day of "Master of Computer Vision"
You may have had great desire to visit all the unis you’re thinking of applying to, notebook in hand – and now you have a great option of the virtual open days on offer at the HSE University across online master`s programmes!
Our online open days are the perfect opportunity to find out more about the jobs of the future, which are already taught at one of the leading universities in Russia, and about the career strategies of graduates.
The first Open Day on Online Master`s programmes, including “Master of Computer Vision” programme, has passed on March 14th.
At this event, our faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science acquainted perspectives applicants with new online programme – “Master of Computer Vision”.
The Dean – Natalia Aseeva together with professor and Program Academic Supervisor - Andrey Savchenko told whom is “Master of Computer Vision” designed for, gave a historical brief about development and modern trends of computer vision field, also explained why almost every large corporation today is highly interested in solving recently appeared computer vision tasks and why the computer vision engineers and scientists are so demanded nowadays.
The questions mentioned among others were:
- How long does it take to complete the programme?
- That`s the cost?
- Available discounts?
- Time commitment?
- Required background for participating the course?
- Structure and the content of the programme?
Are you thinking about studying “Master of Computer Vision” course?
We're holding series of webinars to share what it's like studying Master course “Computer Vision” at the HSE.
Watch the broadcast to learn more about your future study options and to acquaint with the program`s team!
We`ve also already planned our next webinar “How to prepare for the entrance exam” which will take place on Thursday March 25th and elaborate on the structure of the entrance exam and types of tasks.