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Regular version of the site
Book chapter
On the way to coastal community resilience under tsunami threat

Klyachko M., Zaytsev A., Talipova T. et al.

In bk.: Handbook for Management of Threats: Security and defense, resilience and optimal strategies. Bk. 205. Springer, 2023. Ch. 8. P. 159-192.


Regular international conference "Topological methods in dynamics and related topics"

From December 12 to 13, a regular conference was held at the international laboratory of dynamic systems and applications.


From 3 to 8 July the staff of the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications and Department of Fundamental Mathematics took part in the "International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2020", which was held online.

The Laboratory DSA and Department of Fundamental Mathematics NRU HSE invite to the student workshop

The Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics and the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications invite students who are interested in studying of various branches of mathematical science to participate in the student workshop “Mathematical Spring - 2020. Invitation to Dynamical Systems”.

Winning in Research Projects Competition

Congratulations to Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics Ivan Remizov and his team on their victory in the competition for research projects of scientific and educational groups in 2020!

The conference "Quantization of Dissipative Chaos: Ideas and Means"

The conference "Quantization of Dissipative Chaos: Ideas and Means"
Since 16 to 20 of December 2019 senior researcher A.O. Kazakov, N.V. Stankevich and D. Turaev, scientific director of the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics participated in the international conference "Quantization of Dissipative Chaos: Ideas and Means", organized by the physical center of the city of Bad Honnef with the support of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.

Сongratulations to Ivan Remizov on his birthday

Сongratulations to Ivan Remizov on his birthday
December 7, 2019 is the birthday of Ivan Dmitrievich Remizov – a bright young mathematician, associate professor at the Department of Fundamental Mathematics, and senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics at Higher School of Economics; he turns thirty-five years old. According to the definition used when awarding Fields Medals, the mathematician is young until 40, so Ivan wil remain young for another five years.

Report of I.D. Remizov at the seminar on the theory of operators under the guidance of A.A. Shkalikov at Moscow State University.

Report of I.D. Remizov at the seminar on the theory of operators under the guidance of A.A. Shkalikov at Moscow State University.
On November 29, 2019, Ivan Remizov gave a talk titled "Non-spectral approximation methods for C0 semigroups and the rate of convergence in Chernoff's theorem" at the Moscow State University at the seminar on operator theory led by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Shkalikov.

The talk at the seminar of Moscow State University

The talk at the seminar of Moscow State University
Ivan Remizov made a talk at the seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Mathematical lectures by 15-th and 17-th of october

Mathematical lectures by 15-th and 17-th of october
As part of the visit of Italian mathematicians Valter Moretti and Sonia Mazzucchi to the laboratory of topological methods in dynamics this week, three talks will be devoted to applications of functional analysis in mathematical physics and quantum theory.

Everyone is welcome. The first talk will be in Russian (with translation into English for Italians), the second and third talks will be in English (a translation into Russian can be arranged at the request of the audience).

Seminar “Topological Methods in Dynamics”

Seminar “Topological Methods in Dynamics”
On October 1, as part of the regular scientific seminar “Topological Methods in Dynamics”, a lecture by A. Pikovsky will be held on the topic “Strange non-chaotic attractors”. Time and place: from 15:30 to 17:00 in 314 (st. B. Pecherskaya, 25/12).